Hi Hope:
My brother used to sneeze at the sun.
My dog sneezes when I'm giving her affection. I read somewhere it's dog talk for "Whoo, I'm so happy!"
Hope the articles below may help your understanding. Many people conflate homosexuality with pedophelia, and that's inaccurate (and feeds homophobia). There are some homosexual pedophiles, but just as there are many fewer homosexuals than heterosexuals in the general population, the same outcome is shown in general statistics about pedophiles--the vast majority are heterosexual. The Catholic church crisis has confused many people, but the reason is simply that many gay men are attracted to seminary life, and at the same time, many pedophiles may select the priesthood to give them access to children in private settings. Although not necessarily in the Catholic church, vastly more girls in general are molested by pedophiles than boys. Many girls have also been molested by priests, but likely more boys, because of the environment of the priesthood. But that is a specific climate. (Another example: my grandfather, a conservative evangelist, sexually abused his daughters.) Despite the theatrics of some outlandish homosexuals, which the media is attracted to because they are sensational, homosexuals of either gender do not "recruit" children into sexual activity any more than heterosexuals do.
I know these as facts, not opinion, but I also know that some people cannot accept homosexuality as a biological reality without betraying their system of belief. I respect their right to believe as they feel is right, and usually find there is little benefit in trying to shift it. But for anyone who may be open to considering homosexuality from a different angle, here's some info.
The gender identity of pedophiles: what does the outcome data tell us?.Tardif M, Van Gijseghem H.; Department of Sexology, Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada.
The aim of this study was to determine whether pedophiles have a different gender identity profile compared with non-sexual offenders. Participants were 87 male adult subjects, divided into three groups: (a) 27 pedophiles who abused male victims, (b) 30 pedophiles who abused female victims, and (c) 30 non-sexual offenders. The gender identity factor was measured with the Mf scale of the MMPI and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI). Results indicated no significant inter-group differences in terms of gender identity. However, the order of the three groups regarding scores on the Bem-Masculinity and the Mf scale was as predicted. Conceptual and empirical elements related to gender identity are addressed in order to shed light on potential disturbances in the gender identity of pedophiles. PMID: 15914405 [PubMed]
Psychological profile of pedophiles and child molesters.Murray JB.
Department of Psychology, St. John's University, Jamaica, NY 11439, USA.
Pedophiles and child molesters share some characteristics. Most are male, and they can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Some prefer adult sex partners but choose children because they are available and vulnerable. The sexual abuse perpetrated may be a 1-time incident and may consist only of fondling. Penetration is unlikely with young children. Perpetrators' ages range from teens to midlife. Most victims are girls, and the perpetrator usually is a relative, friend, or neighbor. The home of the victim is often the setting for the incident. When boys are victims, sexual abuse may take place outside the home, and perpetrators may be strangers. Perpetrators of sexual abuse of children often claim that they themselves were victims of childhood sexual abuse. PMID: 10766112
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.Groth AN, Birnbaum HJ.
A random sample of 175 males convicted of sexual assault against children was screened with reference to their adult sexual orientation and the sex of their victims. The sample divided fairly evenly into two groups based on whether they were sexually fixated exclusively on children or had regressed from peer relationships. Female children were victimized nearly twice as often as male children. All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation. There were no examples of regression to child victims among peer-oriented, homosexual males. The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.
PMID: 666571