Good Mornin, Pb
For what it's worth.... I don't think you're being picked on here. Also, I have a sensitivity to red print/ type at times, too... especially when I'm tired to begin with. When I used to do chat, there were a few of us who would ask folks with red font to please change to a more neutral color. Usually they were happy to oblige. Even the white background on my screen can get to be a bit too bright, if I'm havin a migraine-prone day and I rarely go outside without my shades

Sometimes I wonder if I didn't get some sort of snow-blindness as a kid, cuz it's always been this way and I can recall going outside after a big snowfall, with the sun reflecting off all that white stuff and I could hardly open my eyes. My son has kinda a novel reaction to the sun reflecting off of white pavement, like in a store parking lot.... he begins to sneeze

Yeah, we have fun ~ lol.
Kelly, I think what you said about letting everyone express his/her own views here was nicely put. Hopefully we can disagree without being disagreeable here and if there are folks who ultimately can't seem to get along, they can just stay out of each other's immediate space/face and allow peace to reign. There are always going to be conflicting personalities, but that doesn't have to develop into a huge flare-up if the parties involved will just agree to stop pushing buttons.
Hops, I disagree re: homosexuality. I don't think it's either a God-given gift or natural. One thing that especially concerns me about that view is this: When a society accepts that a person "can't help" being gay and has every right to act out that lifestyle, how far is that society from accepting that a pedophile "can't help" his desire for children and has every right to act on that desire? Evidence: the "man boy love association", including its North American chapter. That concerns me alot.
Oh, Pb... I'm with you on being fascinated by the emotional world of men! And ~ lol... yup, they do have their own language, indeed. I've always been inclined to hang around with the men in a group rather than the women, simply because I found less gossip and backstabbing behavior among them. Of course, they have their own unique ways... but I always seemed to relate better. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've just never seen men "gang up" on someone they don't like and set about to manipulate that person's undoing. Females, on the other hand, have often seemed to me to be much more obsessive re: issues of envy, jealousy, just typical sort of "catty" behaviors.
You said,
"sometimes someone will finally admit "I'm confused" and the rest of the men will give a collective sigh of relief - like, Oh good, she said it first, so now I don't have to admit I feel that (maybe they don't know)" I think you're right! Maybe they really don't know. Maybe that outward show of confidence has developed into such a thick layer, such a strong defense mechanism, that they really do lose touch with the underlying feelings. I dunno. I do think that's a big reason why men are so into "fixing" problems, rather than listening to all of the emotions attached to the problem that a woman might just want them to hear. All that can just seem to painful... kinda like that bold red typeset is to some of us.
You know, I had 3 girls before having my son... he's 10 now & I was pretty much a single parent for the first 8 years of his life. It's funny... my girls are, in many ways, much "tougher" than him... like when they'd get a cut or scrape. He's a very sweet and sensitive kid... plenty rough and tumble like any boy, but I've sometimes felt the need to help him "toughen up" a bit. It's not easy. Sometimes I just have to tell him, "Kiddo... yer gonna have to 'cowboy up' about this"... then I wink... and he knows what I mean. Never saw a sweeter smile than this boy's... he's a treasure.
Whew, time for coffee!!
Wishing everyone a great day,