Hi again, Write,
Well, I avoided this thread yesterday, cuz after 3 days of 100 plus degree heat and multiple aches/pains, I'd been feeling like quite a spud here around the house... spending alot of time posting here, reading everywhere, and allowing things to pile up. BUT... things are looking up

It's still hot, but aches are subsiding and kids return to school in a couple weeks ~yay!~ so I'm ready to plot a changed course of action.
Always have relied on lists alot. As Brigid said, if it's an especially unpleasant task, I'll post a note in a prominant location and eventually it'll bug me enough that I'll finally take care of it. (That technique does not work on my husband, however

Paperwork is one of my big buggaboos. If I don't take care of it immediately, it'll pile up in no time, so I have to come up with little ways of nipping it in the bud. We pick up our mail at the post office, so I stop there and discard all junk mail without even bringing it home. I have a portable file complete with stationery and miscellaneous stuff that I can carry along with me in the car. I've often balanced the checkbook while waiting for the kids at one of their events/ appointments, or caught up on personal correspondence.
Our kitchen is small, so I've always used the clean-as-I-go method there. Generally have all the preparation dishes washed and put away before the meal. That frees me up afterwards to let those dishes sit if I want to, since there isn't such a huge pile. Small laundry room, too, so I do two loads daily. Can't stand spending a day folding clothes, plus we don't have that much to let it pile up.
Reformed clean-freak here. I used to chase people around with a dustbuster (no kidding). The surreal quality of a home that's not meant to be enjoyed by those who live there... that is my mother. Took me 40 years (and 4 kids) to realize that it's not me. Dust no longer offends me.
What a relief.
Oh, I really like my divided mail sorter thingy and cork bulletin board (the dry-erase kind are neat, too) to keep track of upcoming stuff.
Best advice I can give for dealing with it when all has gotten out of hand at once is... start with loose clutter (makes ya feel better immediately) then move to one corner of one room and work that over more thoroughly till it's done before moving on. A little at a time can bring just as much satisfaction as a whirlwind cleaning spree, if you're doing it at your own pace consistently.
Oh, and throw away that dustbuster.

I love rubbermade storage boxes. The clear kind you can see through. Wish I had a whole separate room, so I could stack them to the ceiling

Absolutely wonderful for sorting clutter.