Author Topic: planning your day  (Read 3772 times)


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planning your day
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:17:19 PM »
I got really sidetracked today and didn't end up doing several chores I intended, now I am too tired.

It's not like me to get irritable about this, but I am trying really hard to get more organised, especially domestic stuff which has been chaotic for a couple of years now!

I just wondered how other people manage their day. Do you plan out what you have to do, make lists, stick to the plan?

How can I regain control of day-to-day running of the house?

Any good tips about not amassing clutter?

ps. I had also been trying to use the computer less- that's gradually sneaking up too...


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 10:26:36 PM »
Thank you SO much for starting this thread.
I dig myself into terrible holes at times by being disorganized and chaotic...

I have little to offer except myself as a terrible example of keeping steady order.
I let paperwork pile up until it's overwhelming (and then I avoid it some more until it's worse).

I will listen and learn with eagerness...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2006, 10:34:34 PM »
Hi Write ,

I just wanted to say I make lists and try to get as many things done as possible.

Things do get in the way .Right now I am stuck in bed or on couch or a few minutes at the computer
because of surgery everything went OK.

So as far as clutter goes if I have not used something giving items away is always good.

I am sure there are others with better tips

Hope all is well with you write and I was wondering off topic do you keep a dream journal? you should!
Best wishes to you and your son,

MoonLight :D
« Last Edit: July 30, 2006, 01:04:29 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2006, 10:57:13 PM »
oh, I decided to put up the posters I bought and do some dusting and listen to Aaron Copland's Simple Gifts...then I'll walk the dog and tidy some more.
I guess it took weeks to get the house such a mess, it'll take a few days to clean it up.

Holes. Yes, me too.

Actually I think because of my childhood I have some issues about associating a very clean and tidy home with an unhappy one...going to think about that some more.

But it's got beyond being able to work in my office, so this room for one needs to declutter.

Dream diary: no, my happiness journal serves as a general record of anything and everything right now.

Glad your surgery went well Moonlight. Did it hurt? My gynae says I'll need an umbilical surgery eventually.

Paperwork is everywhere, the kids must have knocked it over in the other room...shredding session?

'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2006, 11:23:39 PM »

funny how some people manage to be messy and beautifully clear at the same time.

Enjoy your dusting...let's help each other out of the holes.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2006, 11:34:17 PM »
I've also written my invoice and letter I needed to. Dog walk now then bed, tomorrow's another day!

Goodnight ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2006, 01:14:16 AM »
OH Write ,

My hubby's mum love's that poem tis the gift to be simple .What a wonderful thought full of gratitude and joy SIMPLE gifts.
Thanks Write the surgery did not hurt real bad.

I too am thinking of the valley of love and delight

P.S. When I was a child our house was like a museum and emotionally cold .So the moon house gets a little lived in but love's around.

Blessings  :D
nite nite
« Last Edit: July 30, 2006, 01:37:58 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2006, 09:24:22 AM »
When I was a child our house was like a museum and emotionally cold

yes, I remember there was something surreal about the love my parents had for their home- as if they were making it for someone who hadn't arrived yet, not the people who lived there.

My house is very comfortable, and I hate 'nagging' about it.


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2006, 09:34:44 AM »
now I think about it- I experience a sort-of 'paralysis' when I think about cleaning, it was always a stressful thing all my life, not cooperative or fun.

Explains why I have often enjoyed cleaning at other people's places much more!


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2006, 10:07:00 AM »
I have often admired people whose homes could be walked into at any moment and be ready for company.  Quite honestly, I don't know why, because in many cases that obsessive cleaning is done to avoid interracting with other family members, or even as a reason not to leave the house.  My best friend, however, who has 5 children, has always been one who just cleaned up as the day happened and never would put it off until later (unless of course they were entertaining guests).  Since I am not one of those types and always figure I will get around to it later, or tomorrow or next week, I often think "If I were M, I would clean this right now and then it's done and I don't have to think about it later."  Sometimes that motivates me and other times not.

I have always described my xmil's and my xsil's (2 peas in a pod) homes as museums where no one actually lived--or certainly not comfortably lived.  I hated taking my kids there when they were little as I was required to watch them like a hawk so they didn't get into anything.  Heaven forbid that they would actually put away a few of the valuables while their grandchildren were little (they had 8 of them at the time), so we all felt welcome, or the parents could relax a little.  I have always wanted my home to be comfortable and welcoming and look like people actually LIVE there and enjoy it.

I find, especially when I have particularly unpleasant or laborious tasks to do, that the best thing is to write them on a list and post it in a obvious location.  If I keep seeing that list and the item is not checked off, it will bug me until I do it.



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Re: planning your day
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2006, 10:28:21 AM »
I find, especially when I have particularly unpleasant or laborious tasks to do, that the best thing is to write them on a list and post it in a obvious location.  If I keep seeing that list and the item is not checked off, it will bug me until I do it.

okay, I'll try that!

It's funny, I feel a bt calmer now I've actually done a few things.

Writing the list of qualities in another person really got me thinking, because I would drive me mad with my disorganisation and chaos.

Ad I did it as a reaction to my ex a lot too- he came from one of those perfect houses, his family were obsessed by cleaning!
Over the years he relaxed and actually became quite a slob, and in some ways it was a good thing.

But the women had always done domestic work in his house so he always resented my expectation he should share the tasks and eventually we both ground to a halt.

There's a lot of emotion around this issue which surprises me, but I guess your home is symbolic of who you are and where you're at currently?

So far today I've cleaned a bathroom and done the dishes and replied to correspondence. Oh and made my to-do list!


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2006, 01:52:36 PM »
Wow. I have never heard this line before and it is beyond wonderful. Exactly what it was like for me too:
there was something surreal about the love my parents had for their home- as if they were making it for someone who hadn't arrived yet, not the people who lived there

Thank you.

And thanks for the list reminder, Brigid.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: planning your day
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2006, 08:00:33 PM »
Hi again, Write,

  Well, I avoided this thread yesterday, cuz after 3 days of 100 plus degree heat and multiple aches/pains, I'd been feeling like quite a spud here around the house... spending alot of time posting here, reading everywhere, and allowing things to pile up. BUT... things are looking up  :) It's still hot, but aches are subsiding and kids return to school in a couple weeks ~yay!~ so I'm ready to plot a changed course of action.

   Always have relied on lists alot. As Brigid said, if it's an especially unpleasant task, I'll post a note in a prominant location and eventually it'll bug me enough that I'll finally take care of it. (That technique does not work on my husband, however  :P)
Paperwork is one of my big buggaboos. If I don't take care of it immediately, it'll pile up in no time, so I have to come up with little ways of nipping it in the bud. We pick up our mail at the post office, so I stop there and discard all junk mail without even bringing it home. I have a portable file complete with stationery and miscellaneous stuff that I can carry along with me in the car. I've often balanced the checkbook while waiting for the kids at one of their events/ appointments, or caught up on personal correspondence.
   Our kitchen is small, so I've always used the clean-as-I-go method there. Generally have all the preparation dishes washed and put away before the meal. That frees me up afterwards to let those dishes sit if I want to, since there isn't such a huge pile. Small laundry room, too, so I do two loads daily. Can't stand spending a day folding clothes, plus we don't have that much to let it pile up.

Reformed clean-freak here. I used to chase people around with a dustbuster (no kidding). The surreal quality of a home that's not meant to be enjoyed by those who live there... that is my mother. Took me 40 years (and 4 kids) to realize that it's not me. Dust no longer offends me.
What a relief.

Oh, I really like my divided mail sorter thingy and cork bulletin board (the dry-erase kind are neat, too) to keep track of upcoming stuff.

Best advice I can give for dealing with it when all has gotten out of hand at once is... start with loose clutter (makes ya feel better immediately) then move to one corner of one room and work that over more thoroughly till it's done before moving on. A little at a time can bring just as much satisfaction as a whirlwind cleaning spree, if you're doing it at your own pace consistently.

Oh, and throw away that dustbuster.  :lol:


I love rubbermade storage boxes. The clear kind you can see through. Wish I had a whole separate room, so I could stack them to the ceiling  :D  Absolutely wonderful for sorting clutter.


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2006, 09:08:10 PM »
About clutter....(though I still have plenty in the 2 rooms I occupy here...a bedroom and home office, but it's pretty easy stuff to sort and winnow...I just DELAY my paperwork forever)...

Anyway, I moved here from a big city to "try out" living w/Mom 8 years ago...and I hate the process of moving a great deal. Find it upsetting disorienting and beyond stressful...I decided that except for the basics for bedroom and office, I would not unpack. (I didn't know at that time whether I would have the option of keeping the house one day, or not.)

So 80% of my belongings and furniture are still in the movers' boxes or under sheets in her basement.

And now I realize that when the time comes, and we sell the house's contents for my brother's inheritence, and then I go through my stuff....I will be eager to discard most of it. I dream of serene nearly spartan rooms, except what furniture there will be will be both beautiful and VERY comfortable. And walls will be lovely colors of paint, with art I love. And that's it.

Other thing was I noticed that the ONLY possessions I've missed in 8 years of having them stored away, are: a few CDs (music I love), photos (people I love), books (words I love) and a few pieces of art (beauty I love). I DO NOT REMEMBER MOST OF WHAT I OWN!

And that's been delightful. Winnowing down to 2 rooms has been really reallly nice. Simplifying. So that's what I think about when I do de-clutter. What a relief it's been to not be thinking or cleaning or fussing about... STUFF.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning your day
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2006, 10:54:02 PM »
I hate the process of moving a great deal. Find it upsetting disorienting and beyond stressful.

Amen to that Hops!  I hate moving more than just about anything and find it so mentally and physically draining.  I am not one of those people who moves in one day and has all the pictures hung and the pillows fluffed the next.  It always takes me some time to live in a space and figure out how I might want it to look.  When I moved into my current house, in the middle of the divorce proceedings, 2 years ago, I was so messed up anyway that the move nearly did me in.  I lived here for about 20 months before I realized that I didn't like the way the furniture was placed and moved nearly everything on the main floor to a different spot.  It was amazing how good it felt to do that and how the house finally felt like my own.

I agree on the clutter issue also.  What you haven't used in 2-3 years, doesn't need to be around anymore, imo.  My ex used to save everything and it made me crazy.  I always got the line that "I might need that some day", but some day rarely came, or a project got started, but never finished and the stuff sat half done.  It was one of the things we fought about the most--but of course, I always ended up the bad guy for nagging him about it.

Hope, I love those Rubbermaid containers, too and use them to organize all kinds of things.  I certainly could be better about it, but I promised myself that once my daughter leaves for school (one month from today  :cry:), I am going to clean out the house from top to bottom and get rid of all the stuff we just don't need anymore.  Gee, thanks for the reminder.  :(
