Hi everyone,
I've learned so much here, y'all are wonderful.
This morning I'm so tired, emotionally. I'm so confused. Nothing I do is right. My DD1 obviously cares nothing for me and that hurts, but I'm learning to just accept it. With DH (dear husband) barely a day goes by that I don't say or do something to tick him off. I just bury my own needs and feelings in an attempt to keep him and DD1 happy, but in their eyes it's all my fault and I don't do anything to get a long. DH sees me as "inflexible" and impossible. DH reads volumes into every word I say, usually coming up with something so remote from what I meant that I'm flabbergasted. This then leads to a long argument/discussion in which either I totally play the "people pleaser" just so I can live in a semblance of happiness and peace or either I stand my ground and he stays distant until I totally give in and play the "people pleaser". I don't know who I am anymore. He'll probably find this on here and read it and then I won't even have this place to come to. He's gone to other sites where I've bared my soul and printed off every post I made and saved them for possible future divorce proceedings.....he's probably found this place too. I just want to cry, but it won't do any good. I want my older DD1 to love me, but she won't/can't. At least my younger two kids love me.
Sometimes I just feel I can't take another day. DH always preaches "consistancey" to me------that if I would be consistantly happy and not get sad/mad/depressed then he would be able to meet my emotional needs,,,,,but he can't be there for me emotionally if I can't be consistant. A consistant timeframe for him means "eternity". I'm not hardly allowed to get in a tiff or anything because that ruins the consistancy.
So this morning he offered to give me a backrub and I said (in a very light hearted manner) "No thanks, you give the worst back massages I've ever had" and then I snuggled up to him. No response. I carressed him,,,,no response. Finally it comes out that he won't make a physical advance on me because I've said he gives the "worst back rubs ever" so that must mean that his carressing is the worst too and that also means the sex is bad too and that if he were to carress me and I were to say it felt good, then how would he know I was telling the truth????? When he is sore, I give him long (like an hour or more) body massages, but in all honesty he just doesn't have the knack for giving good massages. He tries, but it's just not his thing. So now I'm in trouble for my brutal, light hearted, honesty. Which is what usually happens. I say something and he takes it to the extreme. Actually, the only way to get a long with him is to monitor my every word and agree with whatever he says. See why I'm so lost and confused?? BTW, DD1 is much like him.