Author Topic: Who am I?  (Read 3199 times)


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Who am I?
« on: August 12, 2006, 03:25:35 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I haven't been around for a long time because... you know... I thought i was kinda getting on with things...  All be it a little dysfunctionally... But I'm not.  I've been doing my job but ended up in a situation where I am forced to resign...  I am seeing two guys... Can't decide between the both of them and I can't even decide why.  I've got a feeling that it's something to do with the fact I have no clue who I am.  If I don't know who I am, then how can I ever know who is right for me.  How could I ever know who I am because nobody ever gave me any sense of self worth or even any sense of self.  So are others therefore who I want people to think I am.....  Sorry if this all sounds a little complex.  Just trying to work it out in my head I guess...

It is scary to think that I have to be with someone else to have a sense of self.  Cos lets face it It's not really my self is it??????  Can anyone help me with this?

By the way for all who know me and my story, It is over a year now since he left...  I have managed to keep a distance between us....

Spyralle xxx

Certain Hope

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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 04:31:05 PM »
Dear Spyralle,

  After going back and reading some of your past postings here, I wanted to write and just say that I don't think it's at all unusual for you to be having a setback at this time, especially in light of your job situation and the upheaval with that. Please don't think that you've made no progress at all. It sounds like you have indeed been getting on with things, maybe not as quickly as you'd like, but each step forward counts. Just getting up in the morning and taking care of business is no small feat when a person has been through some major life crises.

  Also, it's a wonderful thing that you've done here... reaching out and sharing. That is definitely a step in the right direction and I'm sure that others will respond with helpful thoughts. When I felt stuck and lost in the way that you're expressing now, just being able to talk it through was so reassuring... to know that others understood and could relate. Dealing with N does sap the life and spirit right out of a person. That's no easy thing from which to recupe... takes time and plenty of encouragement from others who will not try to take over your life!

   The only way I know to get more familiar with who you are is to invest the energy, alone and with good, supportive friends, to learn how to relate to yourself apart from other influences (romantic ones). Just to learn how to "be". Once you discover who you are, I believe that you'll see it's not lonely and empty being alone. Then you'll be ready to introduce your real self to the world of potential partners out there and find one who suits you. Then you will know that you're not bending yourself in 30 different directions trying to fit yourself into someone else's mold and his idea of who you should be.

   I know it seems frightening and impossible if all you've ever seen of yourself is an image reflected by someone else, but there is so much more to you than just what a casual observer might note. Your heart is crying out to be heard and acknowledged.. by you. Everything you need to know is in there... your heart can guide you to all you need to be whole and complete, with or without a man. Blessings to you, Spyralle.

With love,



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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2006, 06:57:12 PM »
Hello Spyralle --

Sometimes the path to healing isn't a smooth upward journey; sometimes it's not a series of steps where you spend time at one level and then hop up to the next. A lot of times, it's more like a spiral staircase. You seem to go around and around and around, but each time around the circle, you've actually climbed, made progress. It may only be later on that you realize this...

I'm very sorry to hear about the job situation. Do you want to talk about that some more? Or would you rather talk about the fellows? Or anything else. We're here and we're listening.

The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2006, 12:23:42 AM »
Good to hear you, Spyralle...I'm really sorry you're feeling drowned in confusion.
Don't despair. In spite of the murk, you just keep swimming, there IS light to find. It's there. It's not magic, it's not luck, it's your true self and just because you've lost track of her doesn't mean she doesn't exist.

My theory is that you need a SEAL...a diver...a trustworthy swimmer to lift you up and help you get to the surface. But I think first, I believe (truly, I believe this for YOU, Spyralle) you need to go quite deep. I think it's where you answer is, and I know you can do it. I think I know who your diver could be.

It may sound unusual but it's not that unorthodox. I have done it, and I'm endlessly grateful. It has changed my inner life in ways that continue to unfold, and they always, always, bring light.

Sorry for all the drumroll, I'll get to it. You could consider, if you would, finding a fine psychologist who is professionally trained and certified in hypnotherapy. I have a hunch that your questions can be answered in some sessions with a skilled, compassionate guide, to go as deeply and as early as you need to go...where you can retrieve the whole, complete-in-herself, solid and unaltered little girl, where your self is intact and complete...where YOU began, going as far back as it takes, to encounter whenever you first..ever, no matter how briefly, experienced safety and your own wholeness. The integrity of your unfractured self.

You have to pass through pain before you reach her. But if you could trust me about this: it is not something to be afraid of, because you don't go through it alone, because in hypnotherapy while you pass through it what it feels like is more seeing it, but not fully re-experiencing it, because you are in a state of trust, with a safe and skilled guide right there by your side, someone who will not harm you or use you, and you are the entire time in an actual physical and mental state of deep relaxation. (It sounds so opposite to what you might think...and that is the amazing thing.) That's why I think doing this through hypnotherapy just might be right for you. Because you can do it safely, and finish each time rested, safe, deeply relaxed and refreshed. Not frightened.

I recommend it to you because it has been healing for me, in a very deep way. Life still has its hurts, but the self I encountered with my T's help was real and the love I found in greeting her was, I know, my core self.

It's an elaborate thought, toss it if it makes no sense to you, but I offer the idea in the hope that it might. I apologize if I've written this with some over-the-top intensity, but it just connected very deeply in my mind when I re-read your old posts, and then your new one.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 05:50:25 AM »
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your understanding and compassion. 

Certain Hope:  I know that you are right and that I have to learn to be with myself.  Since I split up with ex N I have never felt that more strongly.  It's just that people come along and despite my best intentions I find myself enmeshed and entangled.  That sounds a bit pathetic doesn't it.  The one thing I do know though is that I can come here and share and untangle and I truly thank you guys for that.

Tear tracks:  Thankyou for your compassion.  It means a lot

Stormy:  I love the spriral staircase idea.  That makes absolute sense to me...  Very hard to see at the time.  The situation with my job is this.  i don't know if you remember from past postings but I was seconded from one job into another for a year...  I work for an NHS trust which is particularly bad.   I tried very hard to make changes but in the end, the culture was so entrenched that I had decided to resign.  It was then the secondment came up...  It was working for the team that commission the trust to provide the service.  Anyway as part of that team I was involved in the decision to decommission the Trust.  I have been in the secondment for six months and now the director is demanding that I end my secondment and go back.  It is an untenable situation for me to return so I am gonna have no choice but to resign....  The team I am working with are trying to find a way of keeping me but it is very anxiety provoking...  and then there are the two guys....  I can't decide I can't end either...  I'm just not sure of anything..

Hops:  It's good to be here.  It makes me feel safer in the world.....  i would love to have good hypnotherapy.  I have tried it once or twice but I just didn't get there and felt stupid....  I'm sure there is a lot of stuff that I have blindspotted but I just don't know how to reach it...

It's my birthday this week.  I got a card from my mother this morning.  It said everything and nothing.  She God Blessed me a lot and wished me 'Our Blessed Lord's Love and Guidance'  but I feel empty..

Spyralle xxx

Certain Hope

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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 08:49:43 AM »
Dear Spyralle,

  I all too readily get enmeshed and entangled, too. And you don't sound a bit pathetic to me... just full of love and grace to share with others and such a deep desire to pour all of that out freely.

Maybe if you could allow yourself to not decide right now... to not end, but to just lower the hurdles in your mind a bit.
Your job situation is likely out of your hands at this point, but with these men... perhaps there is too much black and white/ all or nothing thinking going on? If instead of looking to choose between these two as though they're the only men on the planet, you simply focused on what is best for you right at this very moment... what would you see? One thing at a time, getting very practical. For instance, A and B each offer you a night out... choose your favorite option for that night alone or if neither option appeals to you, simply be unavailable for that night. I think that in dealing with these little steps, the direction in which to make the bigger leaps becomes more apparent and alot of small issues involved in the decision making process resolve themselves.

Personally, I think it's by God's grace that we don't get some huge mega-revelation of all that is within us, all at once. Not sure I could deal with that, anyway.

Happy birthday to you, Spyralle... and hugs. My parents sign all of their written correspondenceto me like your mom did on your card.
I always feel it's kinda like... well, we don't know what to do with you, so I guess only the Lord can straighten you out  :wink:
And He is... just not the way they expected. I think you're going to do so well.... you seem like a very "real" person to me and that's a great place to be.



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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2006, 01:16:48 PM »
Hi Spyralle,

  Nice to meet you.  Maybe you're like me with the two guys thing,  it just feels so good to have that much affection that you don't want to limit it???? I'm not in that situation right now, but have been in the past and I didn't want to let go of either one either.  Both filled different needs and both were very special in their own ways and, like you, I don't have a real clear idea of who I am either.  Do you have to choose between the two guys right now?? Can you take more time on this??



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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2006, 06:48:56 PM »
I'm a year out of an abusive relationship, and I dont know if I will ever recover. My self worth and confidence are zero. My ex was cheating on me, and I would never do that to anyone else. Makes me sad when I hear about a victim falling into the same patten as an abuser. Not sure whether spyralle has told these guys about each other, but it surprises me that no one has seemed to consider there feelings in all of this. I'm not judging, but surely cant be right to abuse others just because you have been abused. Or maybe I got it wrong, in which case sorry. I can hardly get my head around my own life, let alone anyone elses. I feel permanently screwed up and nowhere to turn.


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2006, 11:40:29 PM »


It is very kind of you to think about the men in the situation. I didn't even think of that... assumed that they knew and Spy is talking about a casual-deciding-type of relationship (am I right?).

Honestly, Spy, I think I'd skip on the guys for a bit and explore yourself for a bit. It sounds to me like you might be using the relationships to avoid dealing with yourself. I feel like I am finally getting to know myself after 36 years. I love nature, I love animals, I can't drink, I love my husband and want to be with him for the rest of my life (even though I am afraid sometimes he will get sick of me), I'm afraid of spiders, but I love to check out the huge ones here, even if I get the heebies, I love Halloween. Silly stuff. But me. When I was drinking, I was using it to replace all these things (and I have done it with relationships too! And with dieting.) So I never figured out what things were me. I sort of am the same person as I was while doing those things, but more in focus... sharper and clearer. I don't always like myself. But I am getting there. I like what I have (my kids, my dog, my painting, my willingness to help others).

Nice to see both of you here!
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2006, 02:47:07 PM »
Thanks Beth, not sure if I was being kind or not, just telling it as I saw it! I understand totally what spyralle was saying about feeling lack of self worth, that is a huge part of what I feel right now too. Its just that one of the only things that keeps me going at the moment in a grim satisfaction that no matter how badly I was abused, I will not fall into the trap of taking it out on others. I hate/love one particular man, I wont let that colour my view of all men - I have a wonderful dad and a brother, unfortunately they do not live in the UK though. I'm not a moralistic person generally, but I dont think it's right to cheat on guys just because you've been cheated on yourself! I'm just talking generally, obviously I'm not saying thats what Spyrale was doing, I dont know and I guess she could speak for herself and has her own views. I'm so confused I can Hardly string two thoughts together, I dont want to cause any offence to  anyone. Your hugs cheered me up a lot.


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2006, 10:38:32 PM »
Hi Spyralle,
birthdays can bring you down sometimes.  They are a good opportunity to take out the measuring stick and see if you are up to par.  We never are.
I've just had my birthday too.  Now I'm on to it.  A few years ago I was visiting friends, and another friend sort of dumped on me.  I cried and cried out of all proportion.  The one friend said, you are crying because it's your birthday.  It took me a little while to understand how right she was.

If you feel that you have missed opportunities in life, and who doesn't, the passage of time can make one feel sad.  It could be just that.


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2006, 11:00:59 PM »

When my twin passed away there has not been a happy birthday because he was not there with me .I only started to let anyone even get me a cake the first time three years ago.


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2006, 11:21:36 PM »
that is very hard.  I am glad you are now able to celebrate a little bit.


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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2006, 01:26:42 AM »

I finally see that it would not be honoring my twin brother's memory to be sad .
It took me a long time to understand that I am glad I finally can honor my dearest twin by remembering the love we shared.
It has taken me a long time to grow up.
Well I have been told I am better.

So much love to you PLUCKY
I want to thank you for your kindness.



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Re: Who am I?
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2006, 01:45:58 AM »
Dear Spyralle ,

It is so hard to want love and understanding and not receive what you so deserve.
I have found being my own good parent has helped me grow.
Also my faith. I am so glad you feel the compassion here.

love from moonlight