Author Topic: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche  (Read 2527 times)


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Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« on: September 06, 2006, 11:39:08 PM »
I read something once ( in either ayurveda or yoga stuff ) about illness in specific parts representing specific problems.

It's bugging me I can't recall what it is. Anyone know?

Gaining Strength

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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 11:52:58 PM »
I think jacmac has great sources on that.  I certainly makes sense to me.  I know where I store alot of my stress.  Send jacmac a note and see what she says.


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 01:14:50 AM »
oh thanks. I'll check it out.

Goodnight World!


well I looked at some stuff, haven't found  the list I was looking for yet but something did just jump out of my own response to one of the pictures, someone reaching up to a rainbow.

I am feeling like the cares of the world are on my shoulders, like I set myself a really high task and it's really hard. I wrote about fun last week, so it was obviously my subconscious trying to tell me something, but I don't have the energy to have any right now!

I'm going to take the rest of today out to do some 'me' stuff and have a recharge day. Maybe my shoulders will stop aching if I can relax and put things down for a while.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 11:01:13 AM by WRITE »


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 11:53:26 AM »
Hey achy Write,
Is there any way you could go get a massage, even a "chair" one where they do neck and shoulders?

You deserve it.
It feels GREAT. (I keep forgetting to do that now and then....there's a massage school here and the just-about-to-graduate students will do the whole back and body for $30 for an HOUR.)

If $$ is a concern maybe you could swap one with a girlfriend.


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 02:26:47 PM »
Write - let me hold your burden for a little while while you are looking for a place to put thm down.



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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 07:57:38 PM »
Nice, squeaky clean shiny bathtub

Wonderful steamy warm water

Epsom salts, just plain old drugstore variety Epsom salts.

Fifteen minutes to half an hour.

You will feel like a million dollars.

If you want to get fancy, try a few drops of peppermint oil instead. [Not spearmint - it burns. Peppermint.]

But Epsom salts always do the trick for me.
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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 08:11:57 PM »

Yes.  I have heard this and would love to learn more.  I know that the liver is supposed to be where anger subsides so that if you have liver problems you probably have some kind of anger issues.  There are many others. 

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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2006, 12:48:17 PM »
I learned about this while going to a "Cafe of Life" chiropractor.

One of the biggest things I learned was about right vs. left side.  The right is the masculine side and the left the feminine.  When I broke my right hand and injured my right knee in a car accident, he said it was no coincidence it was my right side since I had just left my stbxH.

When my shoulders hurt or I had knots (some I didn't know about until he touched me), I was "carrying" to much on my shoulders.  When I was having problems with the females in my family, my back hurt (behind my heart) - intimacy - and my left side ached.

If you would like, you can PM me for his name sine we both live in the same area.  I will e-mail him to see if I can find more info. on what he taught me.

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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2006, 02:06:16 PM »

I just heard from my chiropractor and herecommended Energy Anatomy by Carolyn Myss

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2006, 12:34:54 AM »
Thank y'all. Very brief post- let's see if getting into bed at a reasonable hour helps!

You didn't hear about my massage then, where I ended up listening to the ladies troubled past?!

Actually I've been out with one of my closest guy friends here, just being close to him and him giving me a hug seemed to relax me.
Maybe he has a healing touch, he is the most empathetic person, you can reach for his hand to find his is there for yours, and his art of conversation is beautiful to watch.
I always feel happy after seeing him.

I was "carrying" to much on my shoulders

I have had a heavy load recently, lot of people needing me right now, work as well as family and friends.

I will e-mail him to see if I can find more info. on what he taught me.

Thanks Movinon. Sounds interesting.

The right is the masculine side and the left the feminine.

my left side troubles me, it's always aches and pains there.

Hi ANS hope you are doing ok, have been thinking about you, I expect you're pretty whacked too right now.

Nice, squeaky clean shiny bathtub

Wonderful steamy warm water

you're right- I'll do that right now...and light a candle too and say a few mantras!

Write - let me hold your burden for a little while while you are looking for a place to put thm down.

that is so kind; I hope it's not too heavy and I promise not to dump you with it  :)

Good night everyone- hope everyone is ok.


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2006, 01:48:26 AM »
Goodnight Write -

I'll hold your stuff a little while longer. I find it easier to hold someone else's burden.  And strangely it makes mine just a little lighter.

Sweet Dreams - GS


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2006, 12:55:34 AM »
I find it easier to hold someone else's burden.  And strangely it makes mine just a little lighter.

thanks GS. That's a very Christian thing, taking another's load a little way.

I did some internet research it seems like there are 'trigger points' or knots which cause referred pain.
It's funny, my left shoulder has been aching, but it seems to be comign from my throat. I thought at first it was my shrinking thyroid, and maybe it's related, but I've also had a lot that lump in my throat wanting to cry, you know that thing which only eases when you do cry.

I have felt for a while knotted up inside, but I feel it's easing now and I am trying to mourn more. It's like I was squashing the emotions for a while and trying to be rational and make decisions.

The shoulder pain has eased a lot tonight as I concentrated on relaxing my throat and even had a little cry at a concert of Vivaldi's 4 Seasons.

I remember once driving all over Cheshire, up and down the ancient lanes, for a whole day, listening to that over and over trying to decide what to do when my first marriage went wrong. Hearing it tonight was cathartic- sad for all the things to be sad for and my poor lost youth! but a reminder of everything good which has happened and how much more complete my life is and I am than 15 years ago.


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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2006, 09:03:09 AM »
I thought at first it was my shrinking thyroid, and maybe it's related, but I've also had a lot that lump in my throat wanting to cry, you know that thing which only eases when you do cry.

You are carrying around a lot.  The first thing I thought when I read this was that you should go and rent the movie Beaches and just sit down and let it all out.  A big hug to you, WRITE! 

I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were visiting about various people going through tough times.  I said, "It is amazing any of us have hair after the age of 40.  You would think we all would have pulled it out going through life's tests." 

This thread does fascinate me because this summer I have had a right shoulder and a right groin that have given me trouble.  I am a sturdy and very healthy girl so I have been bewildered by this.  I frequently get asked if I am limping so it is noticeable to others, at times (the limp is usually upon getting up and only for the first five or six steps - doesn't really hurt, just feels like it is giving out for a minute or so). 

If it is true that the right side is the masculine side, then mine has taken a good whipping as of late.   :lol:  Poor fellow.  How interesting to think that this could all be related to stress.

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Re: Question about relationship between pains/aches and psyche
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2006, 09:33:20 PM »
you should go and rent the movie Beaches and just sit down and let it all out.  A big hug to you, WRITE!

Thanks ANS, and to you too (((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

There's a movie called Stepmom with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts which always makes me cry, and always seems to be on Lifetime, I did watch that one day!

interesting to think that this could all be related to stress.

stress causes so much, I have been so aware of my posture after doing some focussing and deep relaxation but every time I'm not mindful the tension then the pain come back.

Long work day tomorrow and Tues so I'll try to rest Weds.