Thank y'all. Very brief post- let's see if getting into bed at a reasonable hour helps!
You didn't hear about my massage then, where I ended up listening to the ladies troubled past?!
Actually I've been out with one of my closest guy friends here, just being close to him and him giving me a hug seemed to relax me.
Maybe he has a healing touch, he is the most empathetic person, you can reach for his hand to find his is there for yours, and his art of conversation is beautiful to watch.
I always feel happy after seeing him.
I was "carrying" to much on my shouldersI have had a heavy load recently, lot of people needing me right now, work as well as family and friends.
I will e-mail him to see if I can find more info. on what he taught me.Thanks Movinon. Sounds interesting.
The right is the masculine side and the left the left side troubles me, it's always aches and pains there.
Hi ANS hope you are doing ok, have been thinking about you, I expect you're pretty whacked too right now.
Nice, squeaky clean shiny bathtub
Wonderful steamy warm wateryou're right- I'll do that right now...and light a candle too and say a few mantras!
Write - let me hold your burden for a little while while you are looking for a place to put thm down.that is so kind; I hope it's not too heavy and I promise not to dump you with it
Good night everyone- hope everyone is ok.