One of my favorite science fiction authors has a saying that doesn't entirely fit with what I believe, on face - but on deeper examination, isn't really so far off:
"There is no justice; there's just us."
I do, of course, think there is justice. But often, it's left to us to be the instruments thereof. We are to be the means of the miracle. Think of the Danish boatlift, of the Underground Railroad, of the French village of Le Chambon, and you see what I mean. We are the hands, the head, the body, we are called to embody what we believe.
Good on you, ANS, for being a part of 'just us'.
Edit in: This particular author is quite ornery; in another one of his books he models a newspaper on the Manchester Guardian, typos and all, and its motto is - of course! -
"The Truth Shall Make You Fret".
I have that one printed out as a poster, on the door of my office, at work.