Weee----llllll, Jac! If you get to eat cake on Friday, then I get to put away my timer!!

So there

!! lol
No kidding, gotta have those designated play times. I mean, regular chores are getting done (I've been up for hours) but there's really nothing pressingly urgent today till about midnight, when I'll have to run out to pick up daughter from away-football game. Ugh. Better squeeze in a nap at some point. Tomorrow kids will be home, so I'll have to be rested up to give them my attention. Today I shall relax and have fun! I have to say that to myself lest the guilts creep in and suggest otherwise. There is nothing so pressing that I need worry. Worry is not a virtue. I do not have to get everything: fixed, completed, made right, solved, etc... today!
Jac ~
And guess what I did? On Friday I thought to myself, But think how much calories you will save if you do NOT have that peice of cake. Come on, you can do it. Just skip it this week. You'll have it next week.Sounds like you're in competition with your self! Oh my, is that a familiar notion. I think that critical parent needs to take an extended vacation?
Each time I read through these threads, I pick up on something else and it's wonderful. Just to see things in a new light, through someone else's experience, is so encouraging and little by little, the obsessive thinking fades into a distant memory.
Just a suggestion from me to you... I think your struggle would be eased if you make #2 into #1 and then define it further, making it concrete. What I mean is, make your primary reason for remaining married = your desire to please, serve, honor, glorify God. That decision of will simplifies so much as it removes self-doubt and self-focus from the mix. I believe it's the first necessary step to sorting through all the other stuff.
The other thing that occurs to me is... re: his lack of personal grooming... ok, so he's got the mentality of a child/young teen and "doesn't care" how you feel about his nastiness. So use the same technique that works with someone of his mental age. What if you made it entirely his choice... he showers (goes to the dentist, tries a new deodorant, etc) and you reward that behavior by treating him with something you know he would enjoy. Instead of accenting his bad points, make it clear that he gains when he does something right. Kids understand this. Gee, honey, I'd like to take you over to your friend's house to play, but you chose to not: do your chores, clean your room, whatever. Let him know that he is choosing the negative when he doesn't make himself presentable to you. See... it's not you withholding physical affection, it's him not doing what's necessary to make that possible. Maybe he'll "get it" if it's presented with a smile (probably will take alot of non-nagging, positive repetition and reinforcement) when he finds that it's a whole lot more pleasant around the house when he does a few simple things to make it so. Simple cause and effect, without all the emotional attachments that muck it up.
Cheering for you, Laura.
Write, I recently bought a bumper sticker which says, "There is only one God. Quit applying for His position". Amen