NYQUIL contains cough suppressant and acetamenophin ( paracetamol ) as well as the anti-histamine which is probably making you sleep Beth.
Just take anti-histamine, lots of people do for sleep. During all my sleepless time I took a mild anti-anxiety called hydroxyzine ( brand name Atarax, also used for itching ) which helped maintain a pattern with no side-effects and non-addictive.
My secret bad habit isn't very secret, since I've been banging on about it here for months ( ! ) but it's a tendency to obsessive love. I am getting better but when I fall in love I can't do enough for the person and don't recognise when they are not reciprocating or taking advantage.
I got so used to jumping through hoops with my father then my marriage a 'normal' relationship is easy for me now to shower someone with ideas and love...but it's still not healthy when I can't walk away from someone's indifference or lack of affection or issues.
Or recognise that I don't set the whole tone of a relationship!
As I type that this just came into my inbox:
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. ~Oscar Wilde
Update on my new 'friend':
well, I had asked the usual questions on getting to know him and suspected he had either intimacy or commitment issues ( like many guys who seem a real catch but have never married etc by mid-thirties )
As soon as I started to respond to him romantically he seemed to back off, and now he's not calling me or writing- well he is but just enough to keep things there, it's not deepening, in fact the opposite. He's stopped being so affectionate and though he is gazing at me and I sense an attraction he is not acting on it.
So I don't know if it's just the usual limit-setting ( Judith Sils calls it 'the switch' where one partner steps up interest and the other backs off ) of an early relationship,or he just wants a friendship, and he's not saying except he said 'it takes me a really long time'.
Well I'm not like that- I'm very spontaneous even impulsive.
He forgot my birthday, which I wasn't making any fuss about so as not to hurt my ex but had told him my 40 th was coming up...at the same time another guy who really likes me but told me very nicely it wasn't a good time for him to get into a relationship right now remembered and sent me a great message & prompted all my friends to post me special
greetings- so it was an interesting contrast to help put things in perspective.
I know he's considerate to other people so it's more symbolic- he is choosing not to deepen our relationship right now, so I am going to tell myself firmly 'status: friendship' and back off.
But not mope around waiting or feeling rejected.
It helps that I am feeling really good physically and mentally, and getting my life back on track workwise and proceeding with divorce arrangements.
And Hops- Judith Sills is still kept in my bra like you told me!!!! ( good thing I didn't invite him in there, isn't it! )
I've slipped into careless eating, gained weight,feel tired all the time, and let my paperwork pile up. I'm on ADs, but still. I am just...not postive. Feeling a wave of identity crisis..you are in a difficult situation H, you need to give yourself EXTRA care right now, not less.
Start with one thing at a time, for example: clear that table/ go through a pile of bills/ wash the dishes/ cook a meal.
Remember me saying i was out of control with the house/ diet/ exercise etc, it's taken me weeks to get back 'in the groove' and I decided to approach it in a very non-punitive way.
I walk the dog three or four short walks, often all the neighbourhood kids attend on their bikes so it becomes a fun outing and exercise for everyone.
My daybook suggested doing housework in a contemplative way as an act of love so I've been trying not to race around multi-taskign, but be in the moment, and the house is definitely looking prettier.
I read
http://www.flylady.net/ and they say it took time for the confusion to accumulate, give it time to sort it out by doing a bit each day and picking up habits like always doing dishes/ disposing of papers/ filling the charity bag or recycle box...
Went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a pile of pretty boxes for the stuff I couldn't decide what to do with, so the clutter is still there, but in disguise.
And I've got back into the habit of planning a meal, even if it's just a frozen tv dinner I select it, pick healthy, microwve some veg with it and buy fruit and take my vitamins.
I've sorted out 2 out of 3 outstanding health issues, and reworked my day- I now go to the swimming pool last thing at night almost every night when everyone else is asleep and it's quiet, it's an all-night place at $50 a month which I have budgeted for, worth every penny.
I wasn't enjoying trying to cram it in during the day.
All these habits have taken tiem to build, but they are my new life, and important to me and I don't let them get side-traced, which will be imnportant as my busiest work months approach.
Routine has a certain comfort-factor for me and when it's broken, I can feel kinda lost and shaky.routine can be great so long as we are mindful of it- and the things which are working and those which are holding us back.
And a break in routine can be good too-
a change is as good as a rest or something like that!