Dear Bones,
Five years ago I was in a similar position, except that I walked out on my job. A job I loved, but a N boss and a situation I could no longer bear. So, I threw it all away. And felt like I must be a piece of dirt.
Slowly, slowy little supports came my way from people who hardly knew me. I was devastated and just slogging through my days but those tiny little supports came through anyway. I was judging myself and thought others would too. But they didn't.
Let the people who do care throw you those little supports. Rest now that you have the time. The job I ended up with sort of fell in my lap. The ones I went after, and thought I wanted, thought would be best for me, went to other people. It all worked out in surprising ways that I never could have guessed, never could have made happen.
I believe it will happen for you too. It might be slow. But it will happen. Just rest, be open, let in the support that is out there for you. Soak it up.
Love, Pennyplant