Author Topic: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself  (Read 203176 times)

Gaining Strength

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #150 on: September 15, 2006, 11:29:57 PM »
Bones -

You have good radar.

I tried to take this negative stuff to a psychiatrist once and his response was, and I quote, that I "needed a man and that would solve all my problems".  That finally convinced me that the psychiatrist was an idiot and I fired him.

Put "good radar" on your list of assets.  Do make a list of assets.  Add to it daily and read it daily.  This will really help build your self esteem.  Always a good thing when you've been knocked hard.

Your friend - Gaining Strength


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #151 on: September 16, 2006, 07:45:23 AM »
Dear Bones,

  Simple broth would be good too, maybe.

  Re: boyfriend... I'm not sure whether the male of the species ever takes the female's health needs too seriously unless those requirements directly impact him. I would recommend making sure he knows that he will indeed be impacted.  :shock:

((((((((Bones)))))))))  Please consider taking yourself out of isolation. It's so good to have some positive stuff to counter-effect all that negativity playing on those tapes in your head. Any shrink who thinks a woman just needs to "get some" has been reading too much Freud, imo. Good sense you used in firing the idiot!!  Oh, sheesh, Bones, you have had a time of it. I am just praying that this current season of trials is very short and very educational, because it's time to turn the page. You can peek out of your hiding spot whenever you have the energy and strength and find us right here waiting with open arms. I hope you know that.

Much love,

Thanks, Hope.

The boyfriend shows up, after 9:00 p.m., knowing full well that I have not been able to eat or go out anywhere for at least a day and a half due to the infection I am battling.  And what does he bring?  ONE BANANA and an act of "Ain't I cute and funny?!?!?"  Between the pain and the fever I was in no mood for shenanigans and I cranked out at him.  As for the male species being a hunter, gatherer, provider...he ain't!  I tried explaining that after not being able to eat for about 36-48 hours, one banana doesn't cut it...especially since it's difficult to chew with an infection.  He don't get it!  All I got was the "deer in the headlights" look with a verbal response of "Huh?"

I'm still not sleeping well.  Part of that is the infection and the other part the depression.  I had a nightmare wake me up where I dreamt I was being attacked again.  This time, in the dream, I fought back with everything....including biting!  I'm sure the tooth infection influenced that aspect of it.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #152 on: September 16, 2006, 07:50:17 AM »
I've been resting today and taking my antibiotics.  I can't really chew so I haven't eaten anything.  I asked my boyfriend if he could bring me some baby food so I can get some nourishment in me but I have to wait and see what he will do.  It feels like he's not taking much of this seriously which makes me wonder about him. ...

Mashed potatoes with butter

Cottage cheese

cream of rice, it's instant, just add boiling water and stir, add milk or cream and let it cool some, especially if you're heat sensitive right now

pudding, and ice cream if you're not cold sensitive.

other instant cereals - oatmeal is especially good for the bones and heart

and don't forget Ensure, there are supermarket and drugstore varieties that are just as good for you and taste better. Rite Aid's vanilla version, in coffee, tastes like Bailey's I swear.

I lived for about six weeks on this stuff mostly, because of the ulcers rather than my own tooth trouble - you can manage if you take vitamins, for several weeks if you need to. Cream of rice has kept old folks in China alive when they have lost all their teeth, generation after generation, for centuries, it's called 'congee' there.

I did gain weight... but that can be controlled and reversed. And if you have lost weight recently, this may be just what you need. The food, not the pain...

I'm very glad they have you on antibiotics. What did they give you, if you don't mind talking about it?

Thanks, Stormchild.

I'm taking one of the 'mycin type of antibiotics....two capsules four times a day.  I'm also feeling feverish which may be a sign that my body's defenses is finally kicking in and fighting the infection.  Feeling like this makes me not want to go shopping for anything.  Boyfriend brings me pistachio ice cream with nuts in it...after telling him that chewing is painful!  He don't get it!



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #153 on: September 16, 2006, 07:52:42 AM »
Bones -

You have good radar.

I tried to take this negative stuff to a psychiatrist once and his response was, and I quote, that I "needed a man and that would solve all my problems".  That finally convinced me that the psychiatrist was an idiot and I fired him.

Put "good radar" on your list of assets.  Do make a list of assets.  Add to it daily and read it daily.  This will really help build your self esteem.  Always a good thing when you've been knocked hard.

Your friend - Gaining Strength

Thanks, GS.


Certain Hope

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #154 on: September 16, 2006, 09:50:40 AM »
Dear Bones,

  Maybe he thinks you can "live on love". The important thing there, I think, is... does he have a teachable spirit? Is he educable?
But on the list of important considerations right now, it's probably far from the top. I've never had anyone take much notice of my needs in that regard. It's sad for me to recall that N was quite good about grocery shopping/ preparing a meal if I was ill, but then he did like to eat! And then, of course, I know that I always expect more from those closest to me and when they let me down (often by failing to notice that I am not invincible, that I reallllllly am not feeling well)... it hurts. I'm sorry that you are hurt, Bones. At the right moment, I hope there will be an opportunity for you and bf can discuss your expectations/needs/desires in this area and clear up some misunderstandings.
   Your dream interrupted your sleep, but it seems to also have brought some new strengths of yours to light. You didn't roll over and play possum... you fought back. I take that as a very positive thing. Kinda like your fever... another sign that your body is engaging the infection and trying to hold its ground.
    As much as it may not seem like it, Bones, you're doing well.
    Be back tomorrow night and hope to visit with you some more.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #155 on: September 17, 2006, 02:27:23 AM »
Dear Bones,

  Maybe he thinks you can "live on love". The important thing there, I think, is... does he have a teachable spirit? Is he educable?
But on the list of important considerations right now, it's probably far from the top. I've never had anyone take much notice of my needs in that regard. It's sad for me to recall that N was quite good about grocery shopping/ preparing a meal if I was ill, but then he did like to eat! And then, of course, I know that I always expect more from those closest to me and when they let me down (often by failing to notice that I am not invincible, that I reallllllly am not feeling well)... it hurts. I'm sorry that you are hurt, Bones. At the right moment, I hope there will be an opportunity for you and bf can discuss your expectations/needs/desires in this area and clear up some misunderstandings.
   Your dream interrupted your sleep, but it seems to also have brought some new strengths of yours to light. You didn't roll over and play possum... you fought back. I take that as a very positive thing. Kinda like your fever... another sign that your body is engaging the infection and trying to hold its ground.
    As much as it may not seem like it, Bones, you're doing well.
    Be back tomorrow night and hope to visit with you some more.


Thanks, Hope.

I just found out one piece of good news today.  I just got my grade for the graduate school course I was taking and I passed it with an "A".  Now I have to start preparing for the next course.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #156 on: September 17, 2006, 11:29:28 AM »
I'm taking one of the 'mycin type of antibiotics....two capsules four times a day.  I'm also feeling feverish which may be a sign that my body's defenses is finally kicking in and fighting the infection.  Feeling like this makes me not want to go shopping for anything.  Boyfriend brings me pistachio ice cream with nuts in it...after telling him that chewing is painful!  He don't get it!


Sounds like it might be clindamycin. If it is [check the label] and if you develop GI trouble - loose stools - especially if they're, umm, very frequent and very loose - get and take Pepto-Bismol, liquid is best for this, make sure you notify the doc, and keep taking Pepto until your GI symptoms are alleviated, even if they put you on a different antibiotic. Routine precaution. Don't exceed recommended dosage on the Pepto, salicylates cause your ears to ring. [I'm glad I asked.]

Re your boyfriend: is he the kind who leaves grease on the dishes, or breaks one, when you ask him to help you wash up after you have cooked a meal for the two of you? Or is he the kind that if you don't give him precisely detailed directions, will go off on some tangent of his own and - bring you chunky style ice cream - but if you do give him directions, will have a hissy fit about being talked down to?

That question is for future reference. For now, if you aren't up to shopping, you might try giving him a list with both the brand names and the exact flavor or type of thing specified, and at least one alternate selection. Example:

"Breakstone cottage cheese, plain, small curd, two cup [4 servings - check label for number of servings]. Alternate: Safeway Lucerne brand, small curd, same size."

"Safeway Select vanilla ice cream, or french vanilla, half gallon. Alternate: Breyer's vanilla, same size."

"Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Regular, box of 10 single serving pouches. Alternate: Safeway's instant oatmeal, regular, same size."

He may not like this much, but it beats lacerating your esophagus trying to swallow pistachio chunks whole, or picking them off your tongue. And before he goes, you could tell him that if he can't find what you need on the shelves, he should please go to the Customer Service Counter and ask someone to get it for him out of stock. This is known as 'heading it off at the pass' since Unhelpful Option #2 [after #1, which is to bring you something you can't use] is to come home with nothing, claiming he couldn't find anything you'd be satisfied with.

If this amount of strategy is too much mental trouble in your present state [I mean that, am not mocking you], you can call the local Giants and Safeways - some of them will deliver for a nominal charge, you don't have to use the online ordering service if you're ill and housebound. You will need to give them pretty much the same level of detail that I've provided here, but they will at least have a business incentive to get it right for you.

Do you have any reasonably decent and trustworthy neighbors who would do a grocery run for you and would come right back without deciding to fit in ten of their own errands first? Anyone at church? That is another possibility.

Sorry you have to deal with this. I've been alone and essentially without support system for close to a decade, so I have these things down to instinctive reactions now. I hope this helps and doesn't overwhelm. And do think about how your BF is behaving, because he's not only not getting it, his inability to help you on this basic level when you are in dire need - is troubling.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #157 on: September 17, 2006, 04:56:38 PM »
I think Stormy is completely right.    The goal right now is to get some food, even if you have to send that useless bf of yours to the shop with a note pinned to his front.  Second, and later, think about why he is so useless.  It almost seems like a passive aggressive way to avoid taking any care of you.
Some stores have online ordering and can speed up the lag time if you say it is an emergency.
Good luck and hugs.


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #158 on: September 18, 2006, 01:00:41 AM »
I'm taking one of the 'mycin type of antibiotics....two capsules four times a day.  I'm also feeling feverish which may be a sign that my body's defenses is finally kicking in and fighting the infection.  Feeling like this makes me not want to go shopping for anything.  Boyfriend brings me pistachio ice cream with nuts in it...after telling him that chewing is painful!  He don't get it!


Sounds like it might be clindamycin. If it is [check the label] and if you develop GI trouble - loose stools - especially if they're, umm, very frequent and very loose - get and take Pepto-Bismol, liquid is best for this, make sure you notify the doc, and keep taking Pepto until your GI symptoms are alleviated, even if they put you on a different antibiotic. Routine precaution. Don't exceed recommended dosage on the Pepto, salicylates cause your ears to ring. [I'm glad I asked.]

Re your boyfriend: is he the kind who leaves grease on the dishes, or breaks one, when you ask him to help you wash up after you have cooked a meal for the two of you? Or is he the kind that if you don't give him precisely detailed directions, will go off on some tangent of his own and - bring you chunky style ice cream - but if you do give him directions, will have a hissy fit about being talked down to?

That question is for future reference. For now, if you aren't up to shopping, you might try giving him a list with both the brand names and the exact flavor or type of thing specified, and at least one alternate selection. Example:

"Breakstone cottage cheese, plain, small curd, two cup [4 servings - check label for number of servings]. Alternate: Safeway Lucerne brand, small curd, same size."

"Safeway Select vanilla ice cream, or french vanilla, half gallon. Alternate: Breyer's vanilla, same size."

"Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Regular, box of 10 single serving pouches. Alternate: Safeway's instant oatmeal, regular, same size."

He may not like this much, but it beats lacerating your esophagus trying to swallow pistachio chunks whole, or picking them off your tongue. And before he goes, you could tell him that if he can't find what you need on the shelves, he should please go to the Customer Service Counter and ask someone to get it for him out of stock. This is known as 'heading it off at the pass' since Unhelpful Option #2 [after #1, which is to bring you something you can't use] is to come home with nothing, claiming he couldn't find anything you'd be satisfied with.

If this amount of strategy is too much mental trouble in your present state [I mean that, am not mocking you], you can call the local Giants and Safeways - some of them will deliver for a nominal charge, you don't have to use the online ordering service if you're ill and housebound. You will need to give them pretty much the same level of detail that I've provided here, but they will at least have a business incentive to get it right for you.

Do you have any reasonably decent and trustworthy neighbors who would do a grocery run for you and would come right back without deciding to fit in ten of their own errands first? Anyone at church? That is another possibility.

Sorry you have to deal with this. I've been alone and essentially without support system for close to a decade, so I have these things down to instinctive reactions now. I hope this helps and doesn't overwhelm. And do think about how your BF is behaving, because he's not only not getting it, his inability to help you on this basic level when you are in dire need - is troubling.

Thanks, Stormchild.

One of my other friends brought me some soup and baby food.  When my boyfriend saw the items, I think he started understanding.  He asked me if I liked blueberry anything and I said "No, because it tastes like medicine to me."  I'm waiting to see what he does with this new information.  BTW, the antibiotic is clondimycin and it seems to be affecting the infection now that I've been taking it since last Wednesday.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #159 on: September 18, 2006, 01:03:32 AM »
I think Stormy is completely right.    The goal right now is to get some food, even if you have to send that useless bf of yours to the shop with a note pinned to his front.  Second, and later, think about why he is so useless.  It almost seems like a passive aggressive way to avoid taking any care of you.
Some stores have online ordering and can speed up the lag time if you say it is an emergency.
Good luck and hugs.

Thanks, Plucky.


Certain Hope

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #160 on: September 18, 2006, 01:08:21 AM »
(((((((Bones)))))))) I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up a bit. Praying that medicine continues to knock out the infection!
Also, not that I'm keeping score or anything, but b/f shows some signs of hope, I think, for the beginnings of awareness. Blueberry, huh?? Maybe he likes blueberries? I dunno... tired here. Keep feeling better!


P.S. on edit... forgot to say, Congratulations on that A !!!  I just tossed a handful of confetti up in the air, so cover your soupbowl. Don't worry, I'll sweep it up  :)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 01:09:58 AM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #161 on: September 18, 2006, 07:34:52 PM »
(((((((Bones)))))))) I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up a bit. Praying that medicine continues to knock out the infection!
Also, not that I'm keeping score or anything, but b/f shows some signs of hope, I think, for the beginnings of awareness. Blueberry, huh?? Maybe he likes blueberries? I dunno... tired here. Keep feeling better!


P.S. on edit... forgot to say, Congratulations on that A !!!  I just tossed a handful of confetti up in the air, so cover your soupbowl. Don't worry, I'll sweep it up  :)

Thanks, Hope!

At least I can celebrate one thing this week while I prepare for the upcoming root canal.  B/f remembers I don't like  blueberries so there may be some hope for him yet.


Certain Hope

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #162 on: September 19, 2006, 08:49:37 AM »
 :) Bones...  I think you are a brave woman indeed and yes, I think there is hope for blueberry-man  8)

When's the root canal scheduled? I imagine they want to wait till the infection is cleared up.... just think, it'll be so good to have that problem gone and then the rest will be a piece of cake! (((((((((Bones))))))))) thinking of you often here.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #163 on: September 19, 2006, 07:54:16 PM »
:) Bones...  I think you are a brave woman indeed and yes, I think there is hope for blueberry-man  8)

When's the root canal scheduled? I imagine they want to wait till the infection is cleared up.... just think, it'll be so good to have that problem gone and then the rest will be a piece of cake! (((((((((Bones))))))))) thinking of you often here.


Thanks, Hope.

The root canal is scheduled for this Thursday and sometime next week, they want to scale my gums.  Whatever that procedure is.  I've never had my gums scaled before.



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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #164 on: September 19, 2006, 08:48:07 PM »

Ask them to put a local on you before they start scalilng you, Bones. They can dab on a gel and let it set for a bit.

It's removal of calculus [tartar] from tooth surfaces and especially from the tooth-gum interface. They use sharp probes, go in between the tooth and gum, you will bleed. Stay off the vitamin E, aspirin and other NSAIDs, garlic, ginkgo starting essentially immediately. You want to do that for the root canal anyway.

I had quad scaling done now and then for years. A couple of years ago, after doing some serious reading, I bought some McCormick's Meat tenderizer, the unflavored kind, and started brushing my gums with it, at the gum line, before bed each night until they tingled. I no longer need scaling, because this stuff kills the bacteria that cause calculus to form, and it promotes soft tissue healing as well. [I use regular toothpaste too, still, this is extra. It's basically using an enzyme to scale your gums yourself. If you decide to try this, buy McCormick's, because it's made using bromelain, and that's the enzyme you want. Adolph's uses papain. It's a protease too, but it doesn't have the antibiotic activity of bromelain.]

You should have seen the look on my dentist's face when I came back six months later and he checked my gums. He was flabbergasted... I think this would help just about anyone as long as they aren't on a sodium restricted regimen.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52