Hi Brigid,
thanks for that explanation. It made the whole thing seem less threatening and amorphous to me (easy for me to say!). You have been through several loss experiences, and I can see how that would make you gun-shy about losing anything else or making any mistakes about your next commitment.
You have a number of really nice things going for you. You don't have to worry about money, you have a good year before really needing to decide on the rest of your life, you have friends, you play golf, your daughter is coming next summer, and you can move anywhere in the world and do anything you want!
What would you do if the bf were not around? I think it is key to figure this out. That way, whatever you decide, you will know exactly what you are choosing between if you give up something to be with him. Think wide! Other countries, desert islands, law school, filmmaking, hand modeling, whatever! Just go hog wild! It's only ideas at this point! Brainstorm!
Maybe the feeling of not being able to choose freely is making you feel bad? So allow yourself to choose freely, without the constrraint of the relationship. Then your choice wil be that much more informed.
There is nothing wrong with giving up things for a relationship, as long as you know what you are giving up and the choice is made freely. It almost sounds like he needs to make the decision, and you need to wait for him to make it. That would bother anyone, I think. Try to take that back and put yourself in the driver's seat, at least for your own life. Let him decide for him, you decide for you. Otherwise, you have one brain thinking for two people.
I was going to suggest that you volunteer somewhere. Helping others is always a good thing for onesself. But you already have that going too!
Having blathered on, maybe I am all off base. I have not been in your position, except for having been in the role of letting the other person decide about the relationship while I sit there like an overripe tomato waiting to be picked off the vine. Anyway, if I am all wring, forgive me and ignore me.