(My grandparents were Thee and Thou Quakers.) Lovely words...

Tonight, my dream is still ahead, not behind. That's a big realization. Thanks, Write.
The dream:
Long shining white hair down to my bountiful curvy behind. Children touch it all the time.
Wrinkled lips from lots of kisses. Yep, wrinkled lips. Ain't nothing wrong with 'em. Take those magazines and...(oops)....
Saggy old boobs babies and animals rest trusting heads against.
Glowing happy-looking skin from eating veggies and fruits. Wrinkles and spots...but skin soft to touch and well cared for.
Lovely flowing happy clothes. Joy in the colors and the comfort.
A laugh. A laugh that never leaves me. More laughter every decade.
A love...a man who loves every bit of old me, an old goof who will do anything
to make me laugh. Both of us keen to the absurd, and the delights of simple
everyday miracles. A new bird on the feeder. A squirrel that never gives up.
A dog with a sense of humor.
Sunlight on a little patch of spinach we planted together.
Music, lovely, floating from a window.
That's all.