Good topic.... here's a few from me....
"you will have to accept I am what I am, and that is that. I was born this way. I may not like it, but I have to accept it, and so do others"
"Once you have children, your life comes second BUT the children have to respect you, and your views. This is the main reason for most of societies ills today."
"The person at fault, is the one in the wrong. That is not usually debatable." (which of course is never him!)
"Most of what you say is absolutely and totally wrong"
"As your father I have to tell you, otherwise I would be failing in my duty."
"You are wrong to follow the devil, but that is your choice"
I could go on and on with this... but I'll finish with this paragraph:-
"Society today puts the man with the most money at the top. It says he is 'successful'. The man who can buy a new car daily is 'successful'. The worlds resources cannot sustain everyone having a car, let alone everyone having a new car daily, so this is wrong. This is how I am different. It does not make me wrong."
On edit - one more:-
"Yes I may be wrong not to go to church, if there was one that met my beliefs. Maybe I just don't know of it."