Hi Coliva,
I just happened by and noticed your desperate post, in which you ask for help with your hubby of 36 years. I think I may be able to help. First, though, I'll take time to introduce my self.
I'm called "Dewd." I am 72 years old, married, retired, two children (grown and gone) four grand children, and happy as a pig in feces. Incidentally, I've been married to the same woman for fifty years. So, with that out of the way, let's get to your problem, actually, your husband's problem.
First, before I can help you, I must ask that you have complete confidence that I can, in fact, help. Too, you must understand (and come to grips) with your husband's problem. He is sick, Coliva. I don't mean 'sick' in the classic sense, your husband has cultivated a mind set that has progressed beyond the point of no return. By "no return" I don't mean to say that he can't get well. He can get well, but he cannot do it by himself.
The old fashion word for his kind of sickness is/was "psychoses" but, then, what's in a name? It all works out the same. Your husband is sick. Furthermore, Coliva, and you'll not understand this, but your husband is sick because you love him too much. You pamper him, mollycoddle him, rub his back and anything else he wants rubbed. (I'd bet a war pension that you've even rubbed his feet.) Don't lie, Coliva. You've done it. Right? You wash his clothes, cook his food and carry it to him on a tray, and when the spoiled rotten asshole goes to bed, you give him your "special" love.
There now. See how much I know?
But, really, Coliva, psychosis is not a four letter word. It sounds like a four letter word, but it's a perfectly human and normal thing that we hairless apes do to ourselves.
So, Coliva, I can lead you, step by step, through a process that will bring him back. One thing is sure and certain, though. If you don't take action soon, it'll be too late.
Let me know if you think I can help.