I hope someone can help me. I've been married for six years to a man who I believe is a Narcissist. He has two daughters who live with us full time (he sued his ex-wife five years ago and won FULL legal and physical custody). I quit my job to become a stay-at-home mother for the girls. I truly love them and they look to me as mom. They see Bio-mom twice a year on a limited basis. My husband and I have had problems off and on throughout our marriage. When we got back from our honeymoon, he threw a fit because I was writing out wedding thank-you notes and not sitting right next to him, watching the Superbowl. After every argument he sulks and gives me the silent treatment for days at a time. He rarely apologizes, even after I tell him something he did/said hurt my feelings. Now I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my first Bio-Child and things could not be worse between us. I'm at high risk (this was an IVF pregnancy and I am over 40) so we have not been able to be intimate since the embryo transfer on August 8th. Then, when I discovered I was pregnant, the doc wanted us to wait another 3 weeks because there was a chance of miscarriage. Ever since then he's been horrible to live with. At first he was complaining daily about the lack of sex and how "deprived" he was. When I finally told him that his attitude was bothering me he said, "Fine, I won't ever ask you for sex again". Now he thinks I "used" him to get pregnant and he feels like I don't need him anymore. He says he knows that after the baby comes I won't be as "available" to him anymore. It is always all about HIM and his needs. He travels a lot for business and when he is home he barely speaks to me unless I speak to him or ask him a question. When I told him I started to have morning sickness he said, "Well, you bought into this". I feel so alone. He never talks about the baby or asks me if he can do anything for me. He went with me for my third ultrasound and we heard the heartbeat..I was ecstatic, he just sat there motionless, not saying anything. I was crushed. I am doing everything to keep our household running smoothly so his boat doesn't get rocked. I feel like I am constanly walking on eggshells. The other night he asked me if I was sleeping (he used a much more derogatory term) with someone else! I constantly have to reassure him and I am so tired and drained. When he comes home from work he goes into our bedroom and watches tv by himself. When I was having fertility treatments he would get really angry with me if I wore makeup to the Fertility Doc. (Why do I have to get all dolled up for this guy, he says) It seems as though for him, sex is the end-all in our relationship. If he doesn't feel like he's getting enough, he gets very depressed and moody and says I don't find him desireable and that I "faked" it with him during our entire relationship. On the outside he's very confident, very successful. His mother (whom he consideres a saint) thinks he walks on water and is absolutely perfect. But behind closed doors he pouts, puts me down and doesn't HEAR me when I try to talk to him about how I feel. After every time we argue or attempt to talk about our problems, I end up feeling like I am the crazy one with the problem. Last week he told me that "it's all my fault" that he feels so alone and betrayed. And I'm left thinking, WHAT DID I DO??? Now there is an innocent baby to think about. There's also his daughters..I love them. What will happen to them if I leave? I never wanted to be a single parent, but I can't raise a child in this toxic household, either. It wouldn't be fair. He will never be the one to leave. He'll push me away until I finally leave and then he'll say, "See, I was right, she DID abandon me". I made the mistake of once telling him having a baby was "my dream" and now he throws that in my face, saying that I was his dream (i.e. how hurt he is that HE isn't "enough" for me). I'm so confused, scared, alone and angry. I'm angry because this should be such a joyous time and it's not, I'm so stressed out by worry. I have no support. We live in a foreign country right now (for his job) and I am far away from my family and friends. I've been reading on the Internet about Narcissistic Personalities...does he sound like one? And any kind words or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for listening.