Hopalong's more shame post got me thinking more, Thanks Hopalong !

I was very lucky it seems to have grown up in a non shaming foo.
I do realise now however that the depression & anger that started last year is from shame bigtime.
In my 'some background' post earlier, I'd mentioned 'leaving my business, country, friends etc' for this wonderful woman I'd met...
This is where my shame comes in. A 'succesful', conservative, experienced grown man blows it all so completely. I even threw a big combined party 'farewell me, meet T & engagement' with about 100 friends.
I was so ashamed of letting myself being fooled, conned, whatever you want to call it.
I was so ashamed at throwing away everything I'd worked bloody hard for, saved & gone without for...
I was so ashamed at now being in my mid forties and having NOTHING now. (materially... before you jump in here hehe)
So ashamed at TRUSTING (isn't that a terrible thing to be ashamed of, trusting someone you had so much physical and emotional intimacy with)
The list goes on, its amazing how many things you can feel ashamed about in one circumstance.
It was really bad for me because I'd gone without a lot to scrimp & save the previous few years, I was building a nest egg to rely on with whatever venture I was going into next. I was biding my time & looking for good options.
As a kid, I remember shame being used once by my Mom, in a very appropriate manner. I had shoplifted a cheap aluminium ring from a friend of hers shop. First & only time I ever did anything like that. (my sister told me later that 'it was just after I'd got out of hospital after a month in a burns ward... so I was bound to be a bit weird after that')
Anyway, mum finds out, is embarressed of course, drags me straight there, aologises, makes me apologise (& was probably angry with me for days, don't remember)
I realised yesterday that that was my first & I think only previous experience with real shame. From that moment onwards, the feeling you get after doing something that you feel ashamed of makes whatever the deed would be just so not worth it.
Listening to one's conscience huh.
It made me wonder if those of us that think about the repurcussions of what we do before we do them have a healthier regard for the contrast in our feelings, as in we don't usually feel this way, we normally feel pretty good, & just won't do certain things cos we know we'll feel guilt or shame.