Oh fairie cake - how delightful - what is it? -GS
Fairy cakes are small sponge cakes, with either butter cream or icing on top, and with sprinkles of sugar strands or something similar. 'Borrowed' this from the Foody website.
http://thefoody.com/baking/fairycakes.htmlFairy Cakes
Makes 18
110g (4oz) Self Raising Flour
110g (4oz) Butter, softened
110g (4oz) Caster Sugar
50g (2oz) Currants or Sultanas
2 Eggs, lightly beaten
Pre-heat oven to 190°C; 375°F: Gas 5.
Cream the butter and sugar until soft and light.
Add eggs a little at a time.
Sift the flour and gently fold into the mixture.
Fold in the currants or sultanas.
Place 18 paper baking cases into bun trays.
Spoon in the mixture, filling about two-thirds of the cases.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until well risen and golden brown.
Place on a wire rack to cool.
Note: They can be decorated if you wish, with icing topped with a glacé cherry or walnut half, sprinkled with crushed nuts, chocolate or any other topping you prefer.