I had read much of the "N as Sabateur" thread but it didn't click until awhile ago that that is what H (hubby) does. His mom is a pretty classic N, although she's getting pretty mild as she gets older but she always gets in a dig at her hubby (my hubby's dad) and at my SIL if she's around. She used to throw darts at me until I gave her "what for" one day many years ago. Anyway, I'm just realizing how much of his mother's N traits H has. Most of you are thoroughly sick of hearing about our oldest D's "problems", but I've never mentioned how from an early age her dad kinda turned on her. He would always manipulate the situation to make it out to be her fault, and I went along with him sometimes just to help preserve some peace. I remember when D1 (daughter #1) was about 5 or 6 and if H came home from work and she didn't run to hug him or greet him in some way, then he would ignore her. My mom pointed this out to me and when I pointed out to H he said that why should he go greet her if she was going to ignore him. This was all about the time our second child was born and my mom kept pointing out to me how my H would make over D#2 and ignore D1, but no matter what I said to him, I couldn't get him to change. D1 and H have had a pretty adversarial relationship ever since. Funny thing is, H has never been the brunt of his mom's attacks, NEVER, and he's never been fault-finding with her. He might not like what she does, but he's never stood up to her not even when she would be berating me in front of his family

That's why I finally took up for myself. Course, he used to berate me plenty in front of his family too, and in front of everyone else and always justified what he said and how he acted because it was all due to something I HAD DONE. What little bit of self-esteem I ever had certainly disappeared during those years. Today D1 called and said her car wouldn't crank again (second time in a few weeks, last time we put a new battery in) H got all bent out of shape and said to me (not to her thank goodness) that he thinks she's making up the car thing just to get attention. H is in the middle of building bookcases and he said, "She knows we're building bookcases and she's not the center of attention and that's what this is all aobut"
Hello I just stared at him and then got really pissed and told him he's crazy. She isn't making it up (as has been proved out now a few hours later after having to get a friend to jump start her car, etc...) and that I can't believe he thinks she'd do that. Then he got mad at me for getting defensive of her. Then it dawned on me that the behavior he's attributing to D1 is exactly something his mom
WOULD do. So it's some kind of projection thing and I guess has been for years. Not that it makes it o.k. with me. He has been impossible so many times. As a sabateur, I can't count the times, well actually I can because it would be 100% of them, that we've ever gone somewhere as a family or even just me and him together that either 1) he didn't blow his top about something one of us did or 2) I had to stuff my feelings and smile and put up with his barbs or grumpiness just to keep some peace. My birthday is coming up and I mentioned to him that it sure was funny he could make plans to be off work for bird hunting but not my birthday (he's never been one to do anything special for me, except on a really rare occassion and then it's supposed to be applauded like crazy) so after I griped enough he said he'd take off for my birthday but by then I'd already made plans to go out with my cousins and I told him nevermind. The truth is, I'll have fun with my cousins but if he were along he'd raing on the parade.
He did start treating me some better about a year ago when he found out about my EA (emotional affair), it kinda shook him. Like his mom, he thinks the way he treats us is fine and doesn't see how he hurts us and he never dreamed I'd be unfaithful. I guess he thought if his mom could/can treat his dad like crap and his dad would continue to take it then I would continue to take it too. He's found out a little diferently and for awhile was better but things are going South again. Actually, it just makes me sad to think of spending the rest of my life with someone I'm not close to emotionally but I don't want to upset D2 or our son (H is really good with our son, who is special needs) by getting separated or a divorce.
His reason for treating me badly in front of his family, he says now, is because we weren't being intimate very often and he was frustrated so that was how he punished me. Oh yeah, like that's really gonna promote intimacy

Everything D1 does or has done for years and years he ascribes a sinister motive to. He's gone through saying she must be a lesbian because she likes to spend so much time with her friends (she's not ) to finding an excuse to take away her house key (she's away at college) because he doesn't trust that she wouldn't steal from us. At times he sways me into these thinking modes but then I'll see her and realize that it's not true. She's never stolen a thing in her life, never. I think the main problem is that D1 and H are so much alike, she isn't gonna suck up to him or coddle him and I guess he needs that adoration and when he doesn't get it he pushes her away and ascribes bad behaviours to her. He's always down her, ALWAYS!!! Always has been. She has been hard to deal with at times, but I believe that if her dad had treated her better and been more understanding and had allowed me to be more supportive of her that alot of it could have gone differently. When she was little and he disciplined her she would come to me for a hug and he'd get mad at me for hugging her saying that I was "undermining his authority"

I wasn't undermining him, I wasn't saying he was wrong, I was comforting her but he thought I should push her away. When she began to avoid him he accused me of "turning her against him" but I wasn't. I was trying to make peace and keep peace and smooth all the ruffled feathers because I wanted a loving happy family. He's never seen how his actions affect us.
Sometimes I've wondered if he's actually jealous of D1 because I've always loved her so much and until she went away to college I was closer to her than to him. Course he did nothing to bring me closer to him but he doesn't see that.
When D2 is telling about her day, H gets all impatient and tells her he doesn't want to hear "about that crap" (she's middle school and it's all about girl drama) and I tell him that her day is important to her and that he needs to listen because it lets her know that he values her. But still he has little tolerance. Also, I just realized that many, many times at the dinner table we've been talking and if it isn't something he's familiar with or something he's interested in then he'll get mad and say that what we're talking about is dumb or isn't "worthy of discussion" and then he'll start talking about something he's interested in----which usually is something the kids know little to zero about.
Know the saying "can't see the forest for the trees", He's had me so confused for so long that I often can't see what's right in front of me. I almost left him a few years ago (before my EA) but didn't want to do that to the kids. I manage to suck in my unhappiness most of the time and keep a happy face on for them. Actually, I had learned to live without love and learned how to walk on eggshells pretty well until the EA came along and awakened my soul.
Input please?? Help??