Author Topic: $$$$$ Money $$$$$  (Read 1847 times)


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$$$$$ Money $$$$$
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:41:03 PM »
I don't post often, that's funny, okay I have only posted one other time, maybe two!, but it feels so good to have something in common with other people!    Maybe I haven't read through all the topics and this subject may have already been addressed several times, but I am curious about how you feel about spending money on yourself and other people?  And for those of you raised by a N parent (s) what their views were about money.    My N mother was very stingy, not with herself, but with other people, including me and my sister who is pretty much estranged from my mother at this point.   We were goodwill store clothes, she wore very nice clothes,  she would give away used items for birthday presents, xmas presents, etc.   I never went to a McDonalds until I was 12 years old, she was so neurotic about money, she would take her purse to her bedroom with her every night, and in fact, it wasn't until last May that I have ever even looked in her purse, and the only reason I did was because she was put in the hospital ICU and I had to get her id cards out of her purse (by the way, 42 years of wondering what the hell she had in her purse and quite frankly after finally getting to look in it, I have no idea why she she has taken it in the bedroom every night with her!

My father died last year, my mother doesn't drive has never worked, etc, and in May she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, she is now on chemo, but the outlook isn't very promising, she is an alcoholic and has continued to drink through chemo.  I probably sound very cold about all this, but I love her really, it has been a very difficult year for me, and I have pretty much come to peace with everything that has happened regarding my father's death and my mother's impending death.   Plus some counseling and Xanax have helped alot!  My mother received a small (less than $75,000) life insurance policy from my dad(I have to mention - she is so stingy and paranoid over her money, that it took me and the bank 20 minutes to convince her that if she put the life insurance check into a savings account it would be FDIC insured - because she was certain that the bank was up to no good by wanting her to put her money into a savings account rather than checking account), her house is paid for, plus she receives ss every month.  Because she doesn't drive, and I am her only family, and of course because of her illness, I have taken mega amounts of time off from work unpaid.  But my mother is a tightwad and I mean she puts the tight in tightwad.    Since May, my paycheck shows almost $5000.00 away with out pay,  I live 15 miles away from her, so a round trip takes some gas, I have made these round trips sometimes 3 times a day when she was first diagnosed with colon cancer.   ( I know your thinking - why don't I just have her moved closer to me, well she doesn't want to move because she is afraid it will upset her dog - I am sure that this would sound crazy to most people, but if you have had an N parent, this probably makes sense to you!)  I take her shopping every Saturday morning which is about 4 hours, and believe me, being around her is very difficult.  My husband goes over to her house and does any and all of her repairs, even the absolute ridiculous ones such as trimming the bushes in her backyard because she is afraid the rabbits that live under the bushes might give her dog rabies (you can't convince her otherwise - I know it sounds strange)   which brings me to my story:

 Last June, my mom needed her hedges trimmed so her dog wouldn't get rabies from the rabbits who live under the hedges,   she called every night for a week, even though I kept telling her it wouldn't be until Saturday when my husband would come over to trim them.  Which he did, and he accidental left his clippers at her house - if you have ever bought a pair of good clippers you know they don't come cheap - they are about 50 bucks or so.   I called her and told her don't let me forget to pick up the clippers next time I come over, and out of the blue she says "their not your clippers their mine"  I tell my husband and he says just let her have them, don't worry about, etc.     So, now it is October, and she has him come over to do some projects, and he goes into the garage and he says some plastic grocery store bags strategically placed over something on the garage floor  - i might add she has nothing in her gargage, so these bags are very noticeable to my husband. He lifts one of the bags and underneath are the clippers, so knowing her very well, we figured she remembered the clippers at the last minute and ran out to the garage and covered them up with plastic bags so my husband wouldn't see them and try to take them home.

And this is just one ridiculous story, and I have a thousand more just as unbelievable,  just like it.    But they are all true I swear!

My husband and I are simple people, we have fairly nice, but modest incomes and are not very materialistic.  However, being raised the way I was I still have problems spending money on myself.   I don't go overboard with my children, but I make sure that the clothes they have are stylish and that they won't get made fun of.  I am not stingy with other people.  But, i still have issues with buying myself anything brand new.  And if someone spends money on me - i feel very uncomfortable.      I am curious if anyone can relate to this?

mrs johnson


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Re: $$$$$ Money $$$$$
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 09:19:45 PM »
Hey Mrs J

Your mother definitely sounds like an active alcoholic - the self-absorption, the demands on others, the stinginess - these things are N but also are characteristic of actively using addicts of pretty much any type.

Do you suppose she used to have a flask in her purse? That wouldn't be out of the question. And that business of appropriating your husband's clippers - after he had left them there when doing something to help her - oh dear, that is CLASSIC active addict. Classic. I'm amazed she hadn't sold them, long before he found them in the garage. I'm related to a 'user' and pretty much anything of value that I left unguarded and accessible  around that person tended to disappear, when I was still interacting with them.

I'm very sorry. It doesn't help at all for me to say, either, that a lot of the time if it's just the addiction driving the behaviors, the person is totally different when they get into recovery... it's true, but it doesn't sound as though you will ever see your mother in recovery, if she has late stage colon cancer and is still drinking. [Man, she must have guts of cast iron, to be able to drink while she's on chemo.]

Is it possible that you feel uncomfortable with people spending $ on you because you don't trust their motives? I wouldn't blame you -- based on what your mother is like.

Sorry you're going through all this.
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Re: $$$$$ Money $$$$$
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 12:42:09 AM »
Yikers, Mrs. J...
I have the Goodwill clothes and a 14 y/o N-ish mom takes her purse into her bedroom every night...

Lord. I am staggered by your story. Heart-rending, exhausting and exasperating.

I think learning to please yourself, to understand that having pleasure and joy are not against the rules of life...after all these years of caring for her...would be the best way to turn her legacy positive.

I identify in some ways almost too much so will want to listen to others' thoughts, but I do urge you to take care of yourself.

My mother has been quite comfortable for most of her married life in enjoying much travel and many little luxuries, but I can't accuse her of neglecting her children. Not directly anyway.

Time for you to make a little of small pleasures you've been denying yourself for too long.

Money is so loaded with fear and pain, unless people are in a lucky situation or have been ambitious and organized. I inherited Mom's fear of scarcity (she grew up poor) and oddly, my Dad (who grew up well-off) was the more abstemious of the two.

Hopalong (and btw, welcome!)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: $$$$$ Money $$$$$
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 09:45:34 AM »
Hello Mrs Johnson

Clothes I buy tend to be practical - this will be good for work (expense allowed), this is cheap and will be warm...but I'm breaking out of it and buying pink now and then. Brand new! But cheap. I don't have enough money to buy not cheap.

I wouldn't allow people to spend their money on me, if I got the chance to say no. Now i'm changing that - if they want to then let them: I don't have to react a certain way except to thank them. Losing that feeling of 'obligation' is very difficult though.

I believe everything you've said, it all sounds pretty by-the-book for some types of folks. The rabbits and rabies has it's own personal logic and the hedge clippers well - once the clippers are there, on their own, on her property, i guess it becomes a case of finders keepers? or maybe she is somewhat paranoid about people taking her stuff (okay, delete 'somewhat' perhaps?) and leaving the clippers covered but not moved is some kind of a test of loyalty? or maybe if they're kept there it means he has to keep coming back to do the clipping or......maybe if he decides one day he doesn't want to do any more clipping, well at least she has the clippers and can get someone else to do it (preparing for all the worst scenarios iin her mind).

It worries me that i can think all this stuff! Now i've imagined the possible thinking, I'm wondering.....where are the clippers now, did he bring them home to you?!

You don't sound cold at all, Mrs Johnson, you sound as though you're maintaining a firm grasp of reality and a necessary sense of humour at how shocking all this is? It does sound incredible but sadly, quite believable.

What did you treat yourself to this week?