Thanks all. I want to put individual replies, but I am not sure I can, but I really appreciate the time you have taken, and I know what you say is right, but if anyone can understand, my head can see the words, and see the sense, but my heart is breaking. I need to get those words into my heart, and try to get some distance from this one.
I had resigned myself to losing my brother, and getting my hopes up this past fortnight has been so unkind. You are right in that I need to stop expecting, and stop hoping. But where is life without hope? I need to find another place for that hope, I suppose; stop casting pearls before swine, and find people who are worth investing my emotional energies in.
You are right that my emotion is just giving him what he wants. I had a reply, which I first deleted, and then read, but didn't save. He said my post is confrontational and does not help the situation, and that it is very difficult now to consider visiting. Very difficult? I set a boundary, so it is not difficult, it is not going to happen.

However, in the spirit of letting go, and achieving some Buddhist-like distance, I am not going to reply, and if I can work out how to do it, I am going to block him from sending me any further emails. Time to put those walls up, and visualise some angelic protection to guard them, I think. Far too much getting through at present.
I never thought my brother was N, although his wife clearly is. But he is so used to being a co, and having me as sister co, that he still cannot see that the picture has changed.
But, he did reply ... And now I do not give him any further power by replying to him. I am trying to get this message through, but isn't it hard!!!!