(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hops Write Beth Movin Samm Portia Brigid)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I was told once "Moon only you can make your life good" .
It took me years to understand this and now that I do I understand the gift within the "problem".

Without blaming or judgment without struggle a sort of happy sad feeling but the gratitude for the capacity of compassion for self and others is great.
I would like to say I do this all the time but really this is so new to me the connection is still on off more on.
This process is like an awakening to see joy to feel love to embrace life now.This board has made such a transformation possible for so many.
Love to you
Portia and Dragonsamm This writer looks interesting (Richard Bachman )

p.s I am reading 2 books right now switching back and forth I love it when I can do that I tried 3 at once but that did not work a little too ocd huh