Thank you so much for the replies, you all have said things that are really helping me understand my dilemna. Bless you all.
I have this wierd feeling that a part of my parents problem is that they realize (maybe this isn't possible) they didn't give a whole lot when I was a child, so they are trying to "make up for it" in my adulthood (I'm 36). But instead of doing healthy things to foster our relationship, they become overbearing, possessive and manipulative in their attempts to "help". For instance, they are doing very well financially. When I was a child they were dirt poor, I never had a lot of material things I saw other kids with. (BMX bikes, NIKE shoes, a car at sixteen, designer jeans, etc.) But I don't hold that against them, my value system shuns materialism. But over the past few years they have given me outrageous birthday and Christmas gifts. I got a $900.00 guitar for Christmas and an $800.00 handgun for my birthday. These lavish gifts made my wife and I very uncomfortable as I could practically see the strings attached to them. My mother is constantly bringing up "my inheritance", I could care less if they leave me anything, the price is just too high. All of the artwork I did in art school is framed and hanging on THEIR walls. My mother always talks about the little poems and writings I did that SHE has saved away in a box. I's like to tell her that when they die I don't want their money, they can give it to charity or leave it to their dogs (their favorite friends BTW) I just want my artwork and poems left to me, in other words, "Mom, when you die, can I have ME? Will you leave me ME?"