I hope I hit the correct "reply" button.
Thank you Moonlight, Tony, IamNewtoMe, October, Sovereign+Safe and fraidycat. I deeply appreciate your warmth, support and encouragement.
Moonlight: Thank you for sending me love (I need it) and I will let all realizations sink in and not run away from the truth.
Tony: Thank you for the Serenity Prayer. I just finished Nina Brown’s book, which was what really convinced me that mother and possibly father were Ns.
IamNewtoMe: You’re name is how I feel and apparently how you feel. Yes, the realizations are mind blowing and I am totally with you regarding feeling my feelings. A few years ago, I was not able to do that.
October: You are absolutely correct with the bereavement, letting go of the fantasy and breaking the chain.
Sovereign+Safe: Thank you for validaing that I am (now) able to see the N traits of my immediate family. One of my problems was that my parents usually did not validate my feelings. As bad as my mother’s verbal abuse was, I feel that my parent’s refusal or failure to “validate” (a concept my therapist introduced to me) my feelings. I think that not validating is probably the worst thing a parent can do to a child because in certain ways, I never knew what or who to believe in my life.
Fraidycat: You and I both recently discovered that we have N parents and siblings. Like you, I am constantly reading books and the web on N, dysfunction and borderline.
Bless you all!
My current bout with a therapist started for grief counseling due to my mother’s recent death. My therapist told me that my mother lived in “Massive denial”. Evidence for this, among other thing, is that she was in denial of the fact that she was dying practically up until the day she died and by the time she did realize she was dying, she was unable to speak.
I’ve got bad memories (flashbacks) of the hospital and need treatment for Post traumatic Stress (PTS). My therapist sent me to another therapist for the PTS and he tried to treat it via hypnosis, but I could not quiet my mind, so that didn’t work.
My therapist told me that my mother engaged in “triangulations” with my sister and myself. I estimate that out of 365 days per year, my mother complained and said bad things about my sister approximately 300 days.
Additionally, I didn’t (and still don’t) get along with my sister too well. My mother financially supported my older sister (she’s 40) her entire life because sister can’t hold a job. Now it’s my job to financially support sister. Mom and sis would constantly fight with each other and I felt caught in the middle. Also, my parents would often yell at each other and I felt caught in the middle. Triangles.
My sister used to (and still can) engage in screaming rages which scare me. A few months ago, I called 911 (on advise from therapist) during a rage and sis has not engaged in such a huge rage since then. Guess I established a “boundry”.
The point of this story is that my therapist has been telling me that my sister is “mentally handicapped” and I think that is correct.
So, within the past year, I’ve dealt with mother’s ugly death, the revelation that my sibling is “mentally handicapped” and now that mother and possibly father were Ns. Up until a few weeks ago, I suspected that my sister was a Borderline, but, in view of my recently acquired knowledge, I think sis is also an N.
Sorry for blathering on. I just gotta deal with all this crap.
Thanks again.