Mice and bats (mice with wings), and power tools with sharp edges. Phobia might be too strong a word, as I don't think I would spend money on therapy since none of those things make my life difficult to live, but great fears nonetheless.
A funny story re: the fear of mice: I have a VW bug convertible which I dearly love. When the weather findly got warm enough last spring to put the top down, it wouldn't go down (it's automatic, not manual). I took it in for service. I was waiting in the lounge for the work to be done, and the service guy came and got me to show me something they had found in the car. They had the whole trunk area pulled apart and they showed me the mouse nest they had found. Apparently a mouse had chewed through the hydraulic line which operates the convertible roof. The guys were all laughing about it, but then looked at me and I was nearly hyperventilating and had gone quite pale. When I asked if the mouse could have entered my driving space, they said "Oh sure, he could have run right over your toes." At that point, I nearly passed out, while saying"You didn't just tell me that?"
Thank God that did not happen while driving on a freeway at 65 mph, as I most assuredly would have driven off the road and killed myself and perhaps others in the process. I went home and immediately put D-Con all around my garage and I have since found out that putting moth balls in the car or around the tires will keep them away. I never drive that car without thinking about it and for several weeks after the original discovery, would not drive the car with sandles on. Just thinking about it, gets my heart rate up.