Mud, thank you for sharing your updates, so glad you have some relief surrounding your Mrs.
you and your family are in my prayers.
I have a twin brother, we were born Halloween.
He has had melanoma tumors on his back for several years.
He was giving up having them removed over and over, I begged him to go see the doctor, he did and is currently undergoing radiation treatment.
He just had his first gandchild last week, and able to celebrate another b-day with me.
I was so worried about him and didn't want to lose him wondering how to keep him motivated to take care of himself. He didn't want to be bothered, he needed to work and no time to take treatment.
Other family members asked him to go and he just kept putting off. They gave up on him, I was happy he finally listen to someone.
Keep your spirits up, I will pray for your strength to keep Mrs. Mud motivated when she get too tired to care.
Take Care OR