Thank you all so much for helping me get through a difficult time in my life.
Mud thank you for being there, you were so instrumental to give me the courage to leave the craziness.
Keeping me encouraged to believe in myself and a brighter future for myself and D.
I have grown so much into a very confident person, showing D, she too is so amazing.
Today is her 14th B-Day, we just returned from a pizza dinner with a large table of her friends.
She appears to be very happy, she is doing great in school and becoming a beautiful girl inside and out.
Sometimes, I see glimpse's of her pain from what she suppresses about her dad.
She will tell me, I remember when dad said this or that and how much it hurt her or how much fun he could be.
I try not to say much about him and our relationship, as that was painful for me and no need to go there.
So I will try an listen when she does express a time with her dad good or bad then will assure her the feelings she has are valid. How much I wished things would have not turned out, was not my first choice.
She was so confidant with her friends, if I took her away from the N in our life's, to give her the confidence I lacked then I am richly rewarded.
The freedom to express ourselfs, without the fear of rejection, life is good for us both.
I can not think of a time in the last 18mos. when D and I had a need to raise our voices or get the littlest bit upset with each other.
After living with N, hurt feelings, walking on egg shells, not wanting to be honest with the N-ex, about doing daily activities in fear of the jealous reactions and being accused of so many unwarranted mind blowing things.
Over the 27 years of trying to ignore the signs as damaging to myself, living one more day believing the man I married was the nice guy not the Mr Hide. OMG, so glad to be here and living a life free from the Ns in my life.
I have been keeping very busy, I did join the gym, I have new friends, and keep busy, even have a little jack Russel dog named Roxy she loves to go for long walks.
I have lost 10 lbs, I even had a very cute 25 yr old model doing a photo shoot at the local Dave and Busters, try and get my phone number, my D thought he was cute, just too young for me. We hung out with him for a little while, he told me I was HOT !! introduced me to his friends, I felt old but flattered and had fun.
Anyway I don't get out much. I spend so much time working and going to Ds sports. You know what I mean.
She comes first, I'm not looking to jump into any relationships for now.
Thanks again, I appreciate all the great support. OR