First of all I would like to thank Penelope,Hopalong and Portia for responding to my cry for help, I cannot tell you how much it means to me.
I will address you first as you posted first...
I am co-dependent and truly cannot remember a time when I was not. I would like to blame it on my FOO but is that really fair? My therapist told me that it is not, my mother raised me the best way she knew how and my choices are my own. My mothers FOO was a huge mess how could she have known how to raise a family?
A little history...Father in and out of our lives whenever the mood struck, left for cigarettes and wouldn't return for months, sometimes years. When he was home, there were beatings and mental abuse…Mother withstood it all, almost apathetic, no overt love but at least she stayed around. Mother became tired of raising 4 kids on her own so she took up with the married man next door. She became pregnant 2 more times and while he was getting her pregnant he was molesting my 2 sisters...I don't believe I was molested due to my being the oldest girl and I might tell. I married at 19, pregnant at 21 and hubby left me for another man when our child was 3 years old. I tried it on my own as a single parent for awhile living in subsidized housing a couple of units away from my mother..btw..her married man had gone back to his wife due to his health problems, my mother now living in subsidized housing. While I'm trying to live on my own, I take up with a married man who is separated from his wife, he moves in with me. I start seeing signs of verbal abuse toward my child and I move out and let the man keep the apartment. I move in with my gay ex who is now living on his own. He and I try to make it together for a while but to no avail. He decides to go back to his lifestyle and I have to decide where I am going to live. Enter the son of the man with which my mother had an affair. He and I start dating, decide that we are in love and get married. The marriage did pretty well considering our history, lasted 14 years. The same year my son graduated from high school, I have what feels like a nervous breakdown, have an affair with a married man, leave my husband and my adopted 13 years old daughter...but that's another story...Move in with the married man, after he puts his wife in another place. I try to make a go of it with married man, doesn't work and I have to leave, almost like a thief in the night for I fear the wrath of married man. My ex hubby, son of my mothers married man, moves me and my stuff back into his home and once again I am with living with my now ex hubby and my daughter. Well, not 2 months later, I am perusing an internet dating site...after all I'm single, right?..groan.. I meet my present day husband and he and I arrange to meet. We both like each other and arrange to spend a weekend together. Weekend goes fine but upon my return to my job, this is where present hubby was dropping me off to pick up my vehicle. I find that my boss has decided to fire me from my job for not working over the weekend. It was a job selling cars and I believe they gave me the job as a favor to my ex hubby. Well, I'm upset, crying, wondering what I'm going to do and present hubby says “Why don’t you come and stay with me for a few day?” Well, a few days’ turns into living together this turns into marriage.
Present day…
He treated me fine in the beginning although at times aloof. I knew he liked his Crown Royal and his pot and I joined him for a while; make that off and on for several years. He treats servers, strangers, and almost everyone else very well. Well you’ve read my first post and you know what I’m going through now. I am trying to do what the NPD sites suggest and give him his own medicine; hence, I am kind but aloof. As of last night, it appears that he will probably have a job about 2 hours from our home and he will have to live in an efficiency apartment and I will have the house to myself. I am happy about this and made mention of it this past Sunday. I explained to him that I am ready to live alone, for the first time in my life and I am actually looking forward to it. He took this information very well and thought it was a good idea as well. I have pretty much came to the conclusion that part of the problem with he and I is that I have been looking for a knight-in-shining-armor, someone who would love me unconditionally. I finally understand that I have to love myself and cannot achieve self-love through osmosis, only I can give me what I need. I believe that with his depression, lack of affection, apathy, he could only give so much. Thanks to whomever posted this and brought this to my attention, it made me think Maybe he does not have NPD, maybe he does but whatever it is, he and I make a vile concoction and I don’t know if we will ever have what it takes to make it work a lifetime. Hopalong, your post about my being an old woman with him around the house has occurred to me on more than one occasion, I abhor the idea. Portia, about my leaving, many things prevent me and none should really matter. When I left my ex hubby he got everything including our daughter. So, when I moved in with present hubby I had very few things to call my own and since he hasn’t worked much we have purchased little together but I love what we have purchased. I am 46 years old and the thought of starting on my own with nothing but clothing and personal items make me despair. I will have left 3 husbands behind, all will have kept the homes and furniture. I just feel as though I am too old to start over again. I want to live on my own but don’t want to start over…hence…5 years and confused
Ps..I was about to post and saw “B”s post..
OMG, you are so right, it does feel good to interrupt the loneliness by living with a self absorbed and disturbed person, I never looked at it that way, wow, talk about a slap of reality... My hubby and I sleep in separate rooms, have for some time now, separate bathrooms, separate time schedules. He has recently begun the put downs although he will disguise them as jokes. Now, as for the internet, he spends a lot of time in his office that is located on the back part of the property. Whenever I go back there it usually takes him a minute to open up the door, I’ve always thought he locked it for security but lately I’ve had a nagging thought that he might be chatting with other women. After all, he did meet me online. I can honestly say that if he left me I would be relieved, as long as I received my share of furnishing and equity. I almost welcome the thought.