Thanks, Brigid, Hops, Stormy, Plucky and Gratitude, and everyone else too.
I am feeling rather scared this morning, but that is normal for mornings, and there is nothing I need to do at present. Wait for the form, that is all.
I rang one friend last night, and she said not to get my hopes too high, and I told her, don't worry, I don't need bringing down, I am happy for what I have done today, and tomorrow can take care of itself.

So, today, need to collect new prescription, maybe do some final tidying of the garden before the winter, and do some thinking and sorting. Maybe even look out my CV, which is so old it is written in Latin.

The job is museums marketing assistant for this town. And I suspect I know practically all there is to know about its history, and I have a background of 15 years in jobs relating to marketing. So not underqualified. And the council claims to be positive about disabled people, which I qualify as because of my ptsd, so maybe I have an even chance of at least being heard. It would take a very strong candidate to offer more than I can, but who knows? Maybe someone is already in post, and this is a formality before giving them the job. Sadly, it happens.
However, thanks again, all, and you are right about people out there, earning good wages, not being healed, Plucky. When did they ever get 6 years to focus on their own lives, and find out what is true?

Thanks for the blessings, Hops. (((((((((hugs to all)))))))))