Author Topic: Am going to apply for a job  (Read 4004 times)


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Am going to apply for a job
« on: October 26, 2006, 01:07:46 PM »
Don't faint, anyone, but I saw this job advert, and I have sent for an application form.

I have not worked for 6 years, and am no nearer being healed, but I know 100% that staying so isolated from people, and from life, is making me worse, and hindering any recovery which comes along.  So I am going to see what happens. 

The job is easily within my capability, is near enough to home, will double our income, and will enable me to regain a great deal of self respect.

Even if this goes nowhere, it is a big step to even look and find something, and email for the application form.  So this is already a victory, whatever happens now.

So, champagne all round, I think.  Cheers!!!

« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 01:10:51 PM by October »


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2006, 01:26:36 PM »
Wow, October, that is so great.   :D

It is so good to hear you say that the isolation is hindering your recovery.  That is a huge step for you, imo. 

I wish you all the best, no matter how it turns out.  As you said, just getting the courage to look into it, ask for the application, etc., is cause for celebration.

I hope you got the good stuff (champagne that is), the cheap stuff always gives me a headache. :(




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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2006, 01:50:40 PM »

I hope you got the good stuff (champagne that is), the cheap stuff always gives me a headache. :(



Only the very best, and most expensive, bubbly is good enough for my friends.   :D

£3,000 per bottle?  Take that rubbish away and bring me the decent stuff!!!   :lol:


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 08:30:17 PM »
October Blessings



This is wonderful glad you're calling on your inner bravery like this.
Strength and courage and JOY to you!

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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2006, 09:41:34 PM »

Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 11:16:25 PM »
This is great October!   Go for it!
One only has to read this board to confirm that most people in the workplace are not one tenth as healed as you are.  So stride right in there and take your rightful place.


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2006, 11:51:21 PM »
Yee haw October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud of you! What an awesome step... no matter what you decide to do and no matter what the outcome!!!!!!!!!
I think October's move should be a challenge to all of us! What will you do that would be a great step forward???? I need to go think and check back in :)
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2006, 05:39:26 AM »
Thanks, Brigid, Hops, Stormy, Plucky and Gratitude, and everyone else too.

I am feeling rather scared this morning, but that is normal for mornings, and there is nothing I need to do at present.  Wait for the form, that is all.

I rang one friend last night, and she said not to get my hopes too high, and I told her, don't worry, I don't need bringing down, I am happy for what I have done today, and tomorrow can take care of itself.   :)

So, today, need to collect new prescription, maybe do some final tidying of the garden before the winter, and do some thinking and sorting.  Maybe even look out my CV, which is so old it is written in Latin.   :lol:

The job is museums marketing assistant for this town.  And I suspect I know practically all there is to know about its history, and I have a background of 15 years in jobs relating to marketing.  So not underqualified.  And the council claims to be positive about disabled people, which I qualify as because of my ptsd, so maybe I have an even chance of at least being heard.  It would take a very strong candidate to offer more than I can, but who knows?  Maybe someone is already in post, and this is a formality before giving them the job.  Sadly, it happens.

However, thanks again, all, and you are right about people out there, earning good wages, not being healed, Plucky.  When did they ever get 6 years to focus on their own lives, and find out what is true?   :D

Thanks for the blessings, Hops.  (((((((((hugs to all)))))))))


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2006, 06:09:01 AM »
October!  :D :D :D

I read your post late last night and yes, picked myself up off the floor, dusted off all those nasty little carpet-hairs, sprayed myself with decontamination mist, washed my hands and then read again. Wowser!

Is it a full-time or part-time role? I’ve applied for full-time jobs recently and (obviously) haven’t got them. Thinking of applying for a training assistant job now, with primary children, about which I know zero, but only part-time (couldn’t face full-time I don’t think, not in a school). But museums marketing sounds great for you!

Maybe someone is already in post, and this is a formality before giving them the job.  Sadly, it happens.

All the time I’m afraid and it really annoys me. They advertise because they have to and then the job goes internally. It’s a waste of time to everyone who applies and it gets my goat. Ridiculous application of (swear word) equal opportunities and political correctness. Nobody wins from this fudging and rubber-stamping. It treats people like objects…ah…now I can see why it gets me annoyed!  :?

But I hope you get an interview at the very least and the job at the very most! The interviews I’ve been going to have been eye-opening. People at work sure are getting stranger and that’s not just my opinion. My other half works (contracts) and what he tells me about people he works with…well, let’s just say what is considered ‘normal’ is not what was ‘normal’ a decade ago, no way. Six years isn’t so long. It would have been if it was the six years between say 94 and 2000 because of the huge changes in computer technology. Imagine not knowing how to approach Word or Excel etc. I’m wittering on now. So: good news October! The hard work of applying starts next and boy, those council forms don’t half wind me up when I do them. But do them we must!  :D(((((((((((((October)))))))))))) 


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2006, 06:55:04 AM »
October!  :D :D :D

I read your post late last night and yes, picked myself up off the floor, dusted off all those nasty little carpet-hairs, sprayed myself with decontamination mist, washed my hands and then read again. Wowser!   

 :lol:  I do love taking people by surprise.  In the nicest ways, I hope. 

Is it a full-time or part-time role? I’ve applied for full-time jobs recently and (obviously) haven’t got them. Thinking of applying for a training assistant job now, with primary children, about which I know zero, but only part-time (couldn’t face full-time I don’t think, not in a school). But museums marketing sounds great for you!

It is a full time job.  I have so many commitments, that I can't survive on a part time job.  But even if the money is low, I should then be eligible for working tax credit, so that might make it much better, but even as it stands, our present income is so low that any improvement will make such a difference.

My d goes into school for half a day a week, to her old infant school, to help the children with reading.  I don't know if you are already doing this, but it might be a way into being a t/a.  D wants to be a teacher one day, and she just loves going in, and the children calling her 'Miss October'.   :lol:  I hope something good comes along soon, Portia.  You really deserve it.

But I hope you get an interview at the very least and the job at the very most! The interviews I’ve been going to have been eye-opening. People at work sure are getting stranger and that’s not just my opinion. My other half works (contracts) and what he tells me about people he works with…well, let’s just say what is considered ‘normal’ is not what was ‘normal’ a decade ago, no way.

How are things different?  I feel so out of touch!!

You are right about the computers, though.  I have kept up to date with them through having one at home, and I have done one day a week voluntary typing and admin for a church nearby, so that might be good.

I should get an interview, because of my disability - the good thing about councils is that they have to follow some very good guidelines on this, and all people with disability have to be offered an interview.  So that gets me past the first hurdle, I think.  And then it is me and my vast knowledge and experience  8) versus the oik who has been doing the job for six months, and thinks the Romans are aliens from Star Trek.   :lol: :lol:


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2006, 07:10:34 AM »
Hi October!!

« Last Edit: December 22, 2006, 09:05:57 PM by lupine »


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2006, 08:56:55 AM »
October,  :D that’s great news about your D! She’s an inspiration to me…I make so many excuses and reasons up as to why I don’t volunteer….and it’s all nonsense: so thank you for the push too. I must get realistic about this.

How are things different. Maybe it’s just our/my perception but it does feel so very much more competitive, yes, even more so, even in the public sector: although as a female and yes being in your ‘position’, that may well help: use the system to help you! I don’t know: people I see, talk to, in a work setting, many seem more pressurised and less in touch with the human things. But then I’ve been seeing and talking to people very much in the private and traditionally ‘nasty’ sectors so what do I expect?!  :?

You’ve been doing the voluntary admin job too, a huge plus to your CV (in Latin or not!). 

the oik who has been doing the job for six months, and thinks the Romans are aliens from Star Trek
What’s a vervlamivm again, some kind of intergalactic ship? :P 


I'm with nice people and learning new stuff and, most importantly, no longer satisfied with staying home being scared.

What could be better right now? I’m happy for you and again…inspired. There are nice people to work with! There are 8)


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2006, 12:43:48 PM »
Hi October!!

Congratulations!  I went out a got a job 6 months after leaving my husband and 15 years after not working at all.  It was scary but then it's scary for anyone applying for a new job.  That job only lasted 6 months but it set me in a forward motion and I got another which I still have.  Don't make much money but I'm with nice people and learning new stuff and, most importantly, no longer satisfied with staying home being scared.  Don't listen to that person who said not to get your hopes up.  Always keep your hopes up.  I'm excited for you.


Thanks, Lupine.  I will take inspiration from you, and your strength, in doing this.  And thanks about telling me to keep my hopes up - after bouncing along the bottom for so long, it is difficult to be told not to get too excited, when all you really want is a bit of a chance.



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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2006, 12:49:43 PM »
October,  :D that’s great news about your D! She’s an inspiration to me…I make so many excuses and reasons up as to why I don’t volunteer….and it’s all nonsense: so thank you for the push too. I must get realistic about this.

If I were a headteacher, with a chance to have you come into school half a day or a day a week, I would be so grateful to have you offering, and bringing your wisdom and compassion into the building.  It is very easy to expect not to be wanted, but that is only because they don't know what they are missing.  It took four months from first writing to d's old head teacher to her actually starting, because she is only 13, and they were not sure of the procedure for this, but since then she has not missed a single week, and she absolutely loves it.

How are things different. Maybe it’s just our/my perception but it does feel so very much more competitive, yes, even more so, even in the public sector: although as a female and yes being in your ‘position’, that may well help: use the system to help you! I don’t know: people I see, talk to, in a work setting, many seem more pressurised and less in touch with the human things. But then I’ve been seeing and talking to people very much in the private and traditionally ‘nasty’ sectors so what do I expect?!  :?

I remember private sector nasties, who would stick a knife in your back as soon as look at you.  I remember their complete lack of compassion, in their ambition.  Thanks for the heads up on this. 


You’ve been doing the voluntary admin job too, a huge plus to your CV (in Latin or not!). 

the oik who has been doing the job for six months, and thinks the Romans are aliens from Star Trek
What’s a vervlamivm again, some kind of intergalactic ship? :P 

 :lol:  Thanks, P.  Maybe one of these fine days we can wander around the Verv theatre, or have coffee in the Refectory.  My treat, if you ever feel up to it.  No pressure.  Nice to dream.   ((((((((hugs))))))
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 03:29:00 PM by October »


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Re: Am going to apply for a job
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2006, 01:29:36 PM »
October, if you get this job, let's celebrate exactly like that before you start! hug ((((((october))))))