Thank you for all your insightful comments, suggestions, etc.
I talked to my therapist yesterday and told him all about this doctor. His one word was CONTEMPTUOUS, as in the doctor considered me unworthy of needing attention or respect.
My words are:
My therapist agreed with that.
His advice; take no advice from this doctor. Trust your gut. I am glad I listened to and trusted my gut last night. (See new topic starting with YIKES!! ...)
My therapist thinks she is a N.
He encouraged me to get a copy of my medical records. He said there are professional guidelines which a doctor must follow and he's positive she violated nearly the whole tamale.
I believe a letter of complaint is needed. I don't want to push for her dismissal. More I want to voice what happened and how that didn't help me medically.
My t also told me she has no business telling me I am depressed when she doesn't know how to diagnose mental disorders and illnesses. He said that is malpractice right there.
Any way I am going to look into it all and carefully compose my letter, sending it both to the association and the health department. At least that is my plan right now. May send it to only the assoc.
More to come when I get my other problem fixed or more alleviated.