hi sallying forth,
Part of learning to let go is learning to let a-holes be a-holes, without letting them pee in our cheerios.
Revenge thinking is nice - but be certain that is not going on when you write the complaint letter, or it will be overboard and likely not taken seriously?
Hope you feel better too. And good to see you again 
gotta laugh at that depression bit too - maybe in the future if it comes up you could state: You're right, I do have a mental condition. That's what my therapist is for. Now, could you please attend to my stomach problem which is why I'm here to see you? Nothing like good old directness to get what you want - which is a simple proper diagnosis, not an attack on your person.
Hi bean,
Thanks for the great response. I like the ones I saved especially. The last comment is right on for me. She is my doctor, not my therapist. What she did was definitely an attack on my person.
I am not into revenge. My h on the hand ... is a different story.
I called the clinic today for another reason and voiced my displeasure about the doctor's attitude. I found out that you can request to see a different doctor any time. So that is what I will do.
The only good thing which came of my appointment was a referral to a GI doc who specializes in my problem.
Interestingly when she told me about the referral she emphasized what the doctor would do to me: he'll stick a scope down your throat; he stick a scope up your rectum. Only she was very graphic - much more descriptive than I said here. Almost like she was trying to indicate that I enjoy going to the doctor and getting attention. As a matter of fact I hate doctors. I was abused by many as part of my abuse as a child. They did a lot of those things she described to me and much more.
I felt her point was to shame and ridicule me, and abuse her power as a physician because I am not the typical patient (according to my records - which I know there is something in there that is not favorable) and that I am knowledgeable.
My other doctor had no problem with my knowledge. We actually went to some of the same schools so we had lots in common. She at least was compassionate and had a great bedside personality and attitude.
The doctor I had before her was like this one I saw this week. Horrible beside manner and very curt. Most people don't even like her and either do her patients. This is something a professional told me.
I had a friend years ago who was a survivor of abuse at the hands of sadistic parents. She was going to this one clinic and they treated her like she was mentally ill and never addressed lots of her legitimate concerns. For instance after abdominal surgery she was very ill and complained to the nurses. They got her more pain med but brushed off her symptoms as trying to get attention. She tried to tell them it was something worse. She called me and while on the phone told me her symptoms. I told her to get to the ER that night. It turned out there was a massive infection in her abdomen. A couple of days later she called her husband at work and passed out on the floor while still on the phone. After some investigation and getting her medical records, she found the reasons for their less than human treatment. There was a red label on the cover of her file stating she was a suicide risk, a drug misuser - hoarding and over using, and a psych case. Her therapist got that all expunged from her medical records. None of it was true. They construed it through talking to her and heresay. Pretty sick.
It is because of that experience and this doctor's attitude that I suspect something is amiss in my medical records. So my next step is to get my records.
My therapist says I have done very well considering the kind of abuse I went through as a child. He considers me quite functional. Although I sometimes don't think so.

I was tested for personality disorders and he found none and that surprised him.

I expected to have something. I am happy I don't have any.

On the other hand 'NORMAL' is a setting on the washing machine ...
Love the quote about a-holes - is it an original? And would you mind if I made a sticker out of it? Possibly a bumper sticker?