Advertising – soaps – social conditioning stuff – real people are not like that. Real people all have problems and all find life difficult in one way or another. Remove the advertising - or the illusion - and the envy goes too.
Hear hear P. I got so mad when I had my feminist "consciousness raising" that I've never again been able to absorb media uncritically. Doesn't mean I'm mad at the TV all the time, but I constructed a very strong inner tape that counteracts the trance. So, when I see my faves, Susan Sarandon and Diane Keaton, selling cosmetics, I am disappointed. But then I watched the Keaton one again and realized the script was quite strightforward and that she lets her wrinkles show and is delighted to be herself. So that, plus the Dove campaign, are hopeful signs there's beginning to be blowback. Aging boomers don't like being told they're ugly and useless now, so I think we'll be some feisty sexy old gray panthers. I hope the next generation notices, since they're hammered so hard wit the images.
Whoops, this is a total detour as you were talking about the culture's advertising the Cleavers. But I guess it's all the same process. An overidealized image that noone can achieve without hiding and stuffing themselves. Doesn't mean that a healthy family would never smile and cuddle, but they'd also have their off days! It is idiotic for the media to not be more creative. I love the subversive shows and ads...they're out there.
Moon, you bring such joy talking about your family. They are so lucky all of them, to have you. Your love and ability to feel so happy to see them are like the polar (lunar

) opposite of an N. Thank you for sharing these stories. I am so glad your D who was assaulted is okay. Horrible experience for all of you, but it's clear it's brought you even closer as a family.
Hops PS--I wear cosmetics and love to look good. It's just that the anorexic 14 y/os in advertising hurt us, I think. So actually it's great to see middle aged women getting some space! Next, let's look for more ads with alternative family structures.