I got so fed up with the conspicuous charity of Ns that I actually wrote a hymn about it. This hymn has never been performed. It was inspired by one too many after-sermon coffees with the revoltingly self-satisfied... Read with caution; it is EXTREMELY sarcastic.
"Over There"
In a land across the sea,
People dwell in misery.
For their plight I deeply care;
They are safely Over There.
As I drive to work each day,
I pass a homeless man, each way.
I give him all that I can spare -
He is also Over There.
Over There, Over There
Look at me, how much I care!
I'm so loving and so fair,
As long as you stay Over There.
My downstairs neighbor's very sad;
She's all alone, and times are bad.
But if I help when none can see,
No-one can admire me!
She came to church the other day;
I looked at her and turned away.
If I help in her distress,
Who on earth would that impress?
Over There, Over There
Look at me! See how I care!
I'm so loving, I'm so fair
But damn your hide.... STAY OVER THERE!!!!!!