Author Topic: overwhelm!  (Read 6586 times)


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2006, 11:57:08 PM »
I am going through the same thing now. I spent so much this summer on our trip and have not paid it off yet. And I go on spending. I don't buy extravagant things, mostly, just things here and there and I am not sticking to a budget of any sort. With my husband gone, I am feeling really guilty, because I can't discuss it with him. I did mention to him that I had overspent, and, of course, he was fine with it. I am the one who does the budget, and for the first 10 years or so that we were married, I was very much a tightwad. I didn't want to be like my parents who buy just to buy... and now I find that I do that at times.
And I also justify my lack of budget... that I should feel fortunate, some people couldn't do this at all. That I give a lot... That it's not that bad if you count up our assets, etc... Whenever you get to rationalizing, I figure you are doing something excessive :)
But, write, do take it easy on yourself. Step back and get a clearheaded picture. You are one of the clearest-headed people I know (cyberlly anyway). Seriously, it is good that you are aware of things and willing to stop them before they go to far. And also you are grateful for what you have. When we get away from the spiritual stuff, we start to focus too much on ourselves and get to want more than we need :)
Lots of love,
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2006, 11:58:25 PM »
your rich, full life is topsy-turvey but just for a while.
You're carrying home with will settle.

By winter, cozy Write, hernia-free!
(So sorry you have an op coming.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2006, 12:45:59 AM »

Sorry about your hernia operation I just had the same surgery almost 3 months ago .
It was not too bad at all after having the pain from the hernia for nearly a year and no doctor could diagnose the problem.

I thought I was going nuts and it was all in my head. It was not it was in the tummy.
I hope you are not having a lot of pain from the hernia .It was an expensive operation for me too.

Smooth sailing then rough seas then smooth again but the sunsets are lovely along the way.
And a new day.



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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2006, 09:55:22 AM »
Thank you Beth, you are very kind. And I love the word 'cyberlly'!

Whenever you get to rationalizing, I figure you are doing something excessive

yes, really good point. You're trying to pull something back into line by rationalising. Sometimes it's good but more often it's sign of a lost boundary?

When we get away from the spiritual stuff, we start to focus too much on ourselves and get to want more than we need

it's true.
All my bills are paid, I have a cupboard full of food, a warm bed, friends.

I should start writing my Thankfulness Journal in UPPER CASE!

By winter, cozy Write, hernia-free!

I am cozy here amidst the chaos and mess, Hops.

I love living alone for the peace- my ex and son love tv and noise and they communicate loudly. It jars my nerves more than I realise.

And I can enjoy television a little whilst I eat dinner or drink a cup of tea- the things I would like to see.

My son is kinder to me when I am over there now, I asked his dad if he had been talking to him he said 'only every day!'

I hope you are not having a lot of pain from the hernia .It was an expensive operation for me too.

I am starting to gte a few twinges, it's lower down by the umbilicus. The doctor said it would get worse- I got it by running last time I was on a big fitness kick....I guess I know it is time to go ahead and schedule the surgery.

Smooth sailing then rough seas then smooth again but the sunsets are lovely along the way.

Thanks Moon.

I love sunsets.

Robert Frost also wrote a poem called 'Looking for a sunset bird in winter':

The west was getting out of gold,

The breath of air had died of cold,

When shoeing home across the white,

I thought I saw a bird alight.

In summer when I passed the place,

I had to stop and lift my face;

A bird with an angelic gift

Was singing in it sweet and swift.

No bird was singing in it now.

A single leaf was on the bough,

And that was all there was to see

In going twice around the tree.

From my advantage on the hill

I judged that such a crystal chill

Was only adding frost to snow

As gilt to gold that wouldn't show.

A brush had left a crooked stroke

Of what was either cloud or smoke

From north to south across the blue;

A piercing little star was through.

People who can see beauty and something good in everything have an advantage in this life; i really must remember that!


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2006, 01:10:12 PM »
Dear Write,


People who can see beauty and something good in everything have an advantage in this life; i really must remember that!

I so love birds . I was sitting at the back of our house one morning a humming bird came close so close to me those wings were going so fast and she was so small .
I love hummingbirds .We have gone up to cabins north of us and there are rustic cabins where the humming birds and squirrels and bunny's come so close.

Well this one time in the back yard this sweetest of tiny humming bird was so close I had tears running down my cheeks.You see my dear sweet mom loved birds as well .
And the experience brought her spirit to fill my soul.

Yes, what ever this bipolar stuff is the emotions are SO readily available .
As I Look back I always felt nature saw faces in trees things like that sunsets ,snow (where I grew up)All always had great meaning for me.
I am surly babbling now.Maybe bipolar has nothing to do with it.

But the "seeing the beauty was always there"And  seeing the good everything "A loving person sees a loving world "So those zen dudes say.
I am glad to see the beauty though all ....................................................

love to you write  8)



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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2006, 08:31:09 PM »
If you are not using your fitness kick now, could I borrow it?????I need some kind of kick, that's for sure :)

I hope the surgery is as painless as can be and that you are up and running in no time.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2006, 10:12:39 PM »
what ever this bipolar stuff is the emotions are SO readily available .

it's wonderful isn't it Moon. For all the grief and pain it's given me I wouldn't change it.

I need some kind of kick, that's for sure

There you go Beth!
Thank you ((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))

"A loving person sees a loving world "

I love everyone tonight, to quote Robert Browning 'God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world'.
Because it's right even when it's zen is that!


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2006, 05:10:28 AM »
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Write ,

You are too cool man oh man

Yep this bipolar is an E ride ticket for sure..........

Because it's right even when it's not........................

too cool  8) 8) 8)

much love,



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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2006, 09:24:04 PM »
love to you too Moon.

Well I'm calm again. Guess I really do have mood swings...!

Some work fell through, didn't mind too much, didn't much care for the place but I was going to give it another try.

Job today went well. One of the patients was really agitated just as I was leaving, smashing things, went back and talked to her. I seem to have a knack of calming people down- maybe having bipolar has given me an insight into agitation. There's a technique of neutrality too which I learned years ago in social work- don't provoke people more by giving them the wrong responses when you don't know what's going on; with the alzheimers the person themself doesn't know usually either nor will they always remember in a few minutes. If you can get them calmer they often just forget the whole incident, it's important to address the emotion not necessarily the issue.

Spent short time with son, ex was nice but when I am concentrating on what he says it's still quite N. Son ignores him, is a bit scathing with him sometimes. I find myself feeling a little bit shrinking away from the things he says, and pouncing on son when he sounds that way.

It's very subtle, I don't think anyone except us would notice it much now, they'd think he was being charming and funny, which he is.

But he definitely feels slighted by other people's achievements and there's a slight 'put down' element with a lot of what he says. Course that's very much my culture too- slight passive aggression behind the politeness and charm.

He likes it when I am anxious and needy, I am going to work hard on not showing him that side of me, it triggers his Nism.

I've lost 4 more pounds- slow steady downward progression now. Enjoying that  :)

Tonight is a concert I really wanted to hear but I am so glad I didn't pend the $40-60 on a ticket, with delightful synchronicity they are doing a free master-class for choir directors which I'm going to tomorrow instead.

Talking of synchronicity, a new friend told me this week: 'synchronicity is G-d's way of remaining anonymous!'


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Re: overwhelm!
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2006, 09:27:36 PM »
Gosh, write, we all get mood sings, BP or no... Some days I get severe anxiety over nothing and other days I can't bring myself to do a simple task. And yet other days I decided I am going through every scrap of paper in the house to sort and resort...
It's a ride, baby... hang on and enjoy :)
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams