Author Topic: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email  (Read 3367 times)


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No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:53:19 AM »
I'm having mixed feelings about how I responded to an email my mother sent me (note: not looking for advice here, like - what you should have done is nothing, or what you should do is X, just looking to express my feelings a bit)

Basically, it appears that she sent a picture to all of the family that is an old camping jaunt of the family's with the caption:  Anyone recognize this place?

Since I have blocked all email from her, and most of the family, I did not get this, but when my brother (the only one who's not blocked) replied to all with the answer - oh that's Such and Such a place - I received it.

I noticed I was included on the original email - I don't know if my mom realizes I've blocked her.  Maybe she sends things to me anyway (it does seem to be a compulsion of hers to write emails to family members daily), even knowing I'm blocking her - like its an N fantasy of hers that I will come back to the nest?

Anyhoo - I'm having mixed feelings about how I responded.  Typically in the past I've ignored emails from family members who are enabling my primary abusers (my parents), and especially from those who've also been abusive to me in the recent past.  Our dysfunctional family script is no one apologizes for anything, even if they recognize they've hurt someone else, every blames someone else for the family misery (except the two who are most to blame, our parents), and people "make up" reasons to be mad at the scapegoat (me or whoever's in the barrel that month/year).  They are as ridiculous as - "she's not doing what Mom wants and is therefore not making Mom happy," to "you never throw me a party." 

I won't go into the details of the absurdity, as you get the picture.

Here's how I responded:

Not really interested in getting emails from you all unless its an apology for the way you've personally treated me.  I won't respond again.

Was this to harsh (I ask myself)?  Did I need to respond?  Why do I need to ask others (b/f, you all) if this was "OK."  When will I get to the point where I just act or react, and don't need someone else's approval to feel OK about it?  Why do I feel terrible about how I repsonded, am I afraid I did something "wrong"?

thanks for listening




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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 09:05:23 AM »
the way you write it 'enabling family abusers' I'm not sure my family would receive that.

My sis knows our parents did wrong stuff but if I said 'oh they were abusive' she'd probably minimise or deny it- I don't think she got the brunt of it being the middle kid; I was eldest and scapegoat, my brother was youngest and my mother clung to him and took all his confidence so he'd cling back.

My sis also has strong denial about other things.

When will I get to the point where I just act or react, and don't need someone else's approval to feel OK about it?  Why do I feel terrible about how I repsonded, am I afraid I did something "wrong"?

I don't know. I second-guess myself less but I don't think I want that unwavering certainty I see in some other people though, that 'I am right!' Maybe this ambivalence, irritating as it is, guards against being stubborn and uncaring ourselves?


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 09:06:30 AM »
forgot to give you a hug ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2006, 10:49:44 AM »
Hi Bean,
Maybe the photo reminded you of the all-too-few positive family memories of camping?

It would me, I think. So the "feeling terrible" might not be about your email response but about having the old stuff brought up again in you. Just a wave of the past, a painful reminder.

Does that make sense?

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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2006, 10:54:28 AM »
penelope - based on my own experience, I believe that you are having mixed feelings about your response because deep inside you still long for it to be different.  In you message you give a condition for reopening communication "unless its an apology for the way you've personally treated me."  This hints at a hope, a longing (probably suppressed) for them to actually come to the table and acknowledge what has been done to you and apologize for it at last.

This has been for me one of the most extraordinarily difficult NEEDS to let go of.  I highlight needs because it is not just a preference it is truly a need.  And to give up a need is by definition excruciatingly difficult.  It requires generating something out of the norm and often hidden from your minds eye.  As sort of a weak analogy, we all NEED a heart in order to survive but sometimes our heart no longer works - well society has developed the extraordinary ability to perform heart transplants.  Well for those of us who NEED specific things from our familiies must find a way to get what it is that we need.  That can be very difficult.  It has been for me.  And for me it ties into that whole resiliency issue that I wrote about on jacmac's thread "GIVE IT AWAY".

Your mixed feeling may come from something different.  I offer this as a possibility that has been true from my own experience.  If it's not on point perhaps it sparks some other thoughts that point to an answer for you.  But I do believe that this is a very important question for you to get an answer to.  Keep asking yourself the question, keep trying on answers.   This is a key to a freedom and part of your healing.

I support you fully in your search for the answer to this question. - your friend - gaining strength.


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 03:55:22 PM »
I've distanced myself from my N-stepdad. I don't expect to have him in my life anymore. The only thing that could change this is a simple phone call from him to me saying "I love you and I hate that things are like this between us" or something to that extent. In other words, some gesture that he actualy cares. This will NEVER happen. His greatness would never submit to such a humble act.

The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is apathy. Hate requires energy, if you are wiling to put the effort into hating someone they hold power over you in the effect that you share a very real emotional connection to them. I refuse to hate my stepfather. I don't want to invest any more energy into him than he is willing to invest in me.

Toxic people must be removed from my life. Is is a neccessity for my spiritual growth. I cannot allow myself to hate, I must be apathetic, this is the only way to take back the power that they once wielded to hurt me.

Run little bird, from all that threatens your budding little wings. (A tip of the hat to pennyplant)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2006, 04:02:12 PM by tony001 »


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 08:25:01 PM »

I think you are feeling bad because you went looking for something. The email you sent back was like bait... It shows that you are not completely detached from the situation and still hope for a change.

It takes time and none of us has a direct and clear path to follow... so just think about what you wanted and whether tyou really want it (or think it could happen).

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2006, 08:30:38 PM »
Hi bean,

Moonlight really touched on something for me:  The guilt feelings that arise out of my desire that things were DIFFERENT.  And, then I touch the hot stove again and burn my hand AGAIN!!

I've got to learn not to touch the hot stove and to learn that things were as they were and cannot be different, even though I so wish they were different.

Remembering the good times, but wanting your FOO to validate your feelings but knowing that it may never happen and trying to process all these mixed feelings.

So many mixed emotions and trying not to sacrifice your self integrity.

So, instead of feeling terrible, perhaps acknowledging all the mixed feelings you have and be loving to yourself by letting yourself feel all those feelings, but not the guilt.



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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2006, 08:46:47 PM »
thank you

I am kind of choked up and too emotional to reply, so I'm just reading and thinking about how good it feels to be supported here

she sent a letter, it arrived today..... no return address but I recognize her handwriting and I threw it away without opening it.  I want to reply, a big old long reply..

maybe I will write it then send it to jac's trash can  :)


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2006, 08:57:41 PM »
Hey Bean,

Wish you loving kindness to yourself.

Do something really nice for yourself, like a warm bath, massage, etc.

Please don't beat yourself up.



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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2006, 08:59:42 PM »
Awesome idea, bean! Maybe I will do the same... write a letter and then put it in the vistual trash...

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2006, 09:45:45 PM »
I'm new here and very shy...  : bites lip :

If it were me, I'd "feel terrible" for having brought attention to myself and giving them an excuse to attack me.

Is your "feeling terrible" perhaps a feeling of anxiety? Do you anticipate being the target of more irrational (absurd) behaviour/mistreatment as a result of speaking up?

Best wishes,


Edit:  Umm... I agree with what others are saying but I'm afraid my wording may have seemed otherwise. I'm just learning how to identify what my feelings are. Once identified, it is easier to sort out and resolve. Please read the above in that context. (in other words, my "terrible feeling" in a situation such as you've described would really be anxiety)

Welcome, babysteps :-) ! You get your point across very well, please don't be concerned that it's been misunderstood. And your writing style doesn't come across as shy at all - just humble and well grounded.

Welcome - please keep posting, speaking strictly for me now, I like what I 'hear' of your voice and I hope to hear more!
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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2006, 10:04:00 PM »
Hi Joy,
I saw your post too and wanted to welcome you. Don't worry about counting out your words... just say what you need to say and others will listen.

Notice I wrote "vistual" in my last post. No, I am bnot creating or misusing vocab... my butter fingers were supposed to write "virtual." :)

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2006, 10:40:28 PM »
Welcome, Joy.
This is a good place to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Glad you found us.
Would you like to start a thread sometime and tell a little of your story?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No Contact w/ NMom - but I responded to an email
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 08:28:47 AM »
hi joy, welcome

I was thinking this morning, my mother is like a piranha that smells blood in the water - then attacks!  Her email was bait.  It is so typical of her.  She can point at me and clearly say "SEE, SHE'S THE CRAZY ONE I just sent out a nice email to everyone (never mind 90% of her emails spew pure hatred - something she should have directed back at her father, who abused and molested her, and her mother, who sat by and did nothing). 

Mom - I am tired of taking the brunt of your abuse.  I'm tired of feeling sorry cause Dad is not emotionally available for you.  I am tired of being sad for my situation and our family....just plain tired.  I want to fill my life with love and joy, not pain and bitterness.  I see no way to do that and have contact with you and other toxic people in our family that are so entrenched in denial, they cannot feel Anything.  Sadness or joy.  You've managed to create robots from most of your children.  Not me though.  I'm not a robot - I feel.  I love, I hurt, I heal and I am me. 

I will not let you continue to take away my personal power.  My power to be independent, my power to make decisions for myself (right wrong or indifferent), my power to learn from my mistakes, and my power to be my own person - not an appendage of an N.  You no longer get to tell me "THE WAY IT IS" through your distorted lens.  I get to make my own decisions about the world, see - cause you no longer create the world I live in artificially.  I am not held in bondage by you.  I've set myself free.  I am no longer your prisoner, your accomplice, nor your enemy.  All of these things are equally supressing, equally stiffling, equally putrid as they all lead to Death.  Death of my soul, of who I truly am, my true being and spirit. 

Dear Dad,
I'm writing you off too.  I don't know why I always forget that you were the other primary plotter in my demise.  You and Mom set off together to destroy me.  You tried your damnedest over the last 34 years.  You see, because you felt that if you killed my spirit, then you could be alive.  That is the way an N sees their supply, as a living thing that needs to be extricated, else it will take over and thrive, like a bad parasite, stuck to ones dorsal.  You were like the piranha that held back while your mate attacked.  You tried to make it seem like you were in fact holier than tho, cause it was not you yourself who committed the murder.  But you planned it.  And you brainwashed others to carry out your deed.  So in my mind, that is the greater crime, Dad.  You are so weak, you cannot even commit your own sins, you have to enlist help to do it.  I never thought you were strong, although you wanted me to think so.  I never gave you that and I never will.  I will always see you for the wretched coward you are!

last night I wrote this:
Dear Mom,

You hardly deserve that title.  I think I shall call you My Genetic Procreator (MGP). 

Dear MGP,

I guess this means that I still hate you, which means I still wish things could have been different.  Every time you write me and try to gloss over the past, the things you did to me, the things you did to our family, the things you let my other MGP (Dad) do – without ever speaking up in my defense, in feel a bit smaller.  You kill another small piece of me.  I’m surprised you have not totally wiped me out now, in my 34th year.  Were it not for several hiatuses, perhaps I would be dead.  You’d be gleaning as much attention and sympathy from that event, as is un-humanly possible, I’m sure.

MGP – are these projections?  You betcha.  They are your projections onto me, and I’m giving them back with full force.  I will not allow you to Define me.  I will not allow you to take little bean’s fire, her spirit, her sense of kindness and humanity, her curiosity about nature, her love of human and animal-kind, her sense of wonderment, her joy, and her precious contribution to this world any longer.  You cannot have her see, cause she was never Yours to “own.”  I am my own person and always have.  Although this road has been hard and scary for me, I am coming out of the woods, no longer the lost wounded refugee I once felt I was.  I have found my refuge and it is God and life, and you’ve never been able to successfully take that from me, because that is my spirit and it lives within me.  You’ve tried your damnedest, I know, but now you’ll admit defeat, cause you have not won.  I am the winner, and I am the only participant worthy enough to fight in your battle – cause you, my opponent, are Nothing.  You are nothing to me, and you have no power over me any longer.  In fact, you never did.  It just felt like that and seemed like it.

When I was a little girl, I remember dreaming that I was left on a doorstep by strangers, and I really believed this to be true for quite some time, because I never fit in, nor understood why our family worked in the dysfunctional way it did.  I always knew you were abusive, and my heart felt Dad’s abuse too.  A heart does not lie, nor speak untruths about these matters.  My heart could tell, it could feel the “wrongs” it could feel the true evil, and it knew and still knows the TRUTH.

Truth is not a concept, it is not something vague that you can just bat around at whim.  Truth is concrete, and it is real, and it is as stark and naked as a large canyon looming in front of you, that is cold and snowy that I must cross.  Nothing unreal about survival.  There is nothing unreal about bitter coldness.  There is nothing unreal about my frozen fingers, and stifled breath, and air so cold it hurts to inhale, and ever breath is like ether – both intoxicating and biting.  It is this kind of stark reality that enables me to see the huge chasm you have dug between my heart and yours – how could you do this to your own kin?  What kind of monster are you?  Or are you just so hardened and embittered that you will never see what you really are?

I think of you as a very small larva.  Something grotesque and putrid green, and rotting in the murk, living with the roaches, not fit for human consumption.

I cannot even fathom how or why one would hurt a child.  Yet you did this to me, slowly, erosive, over many hours and days and years.  You did not even possess the decency to get it over with quickly, nor where you consistent – you toyed with me, you gave me false hope, you led me to believe that I should love you, and then you might consider loving me back – although you never seriously considered that, and you certainly did not deserve it either.

In all the strength of my being, I cannot now muster the resolve to hate you.  It is just not in me.  I see that you are small and weak, and pitiful and undeserving of my hatred.  You are nothing.  You are not even worth the effort it takes to push a single keystroke, on my tiny pinky.  You are not even worth the energy in one synapses.  You are not worth the electrons it takes to fire a single atom to light a single thought to fuel a single bit of data, billions of which would make up this word:  NO.  You are not even worth that.  You have not taken my power, I will not give it to you willingly. 

You will not see that you’ve created your own clone.  I will not hate, I will love.  I will make the world a better place, it will be good for me and my kind, we will have nothing to do with you.  We will waste less thoughts on evil and greed, jealousy and gluttony, then that which might fit on the area of this period.  In other words, I will become nothing like you.  I am already and always have been nothing like you or your projections onto me.  You have not succeeded in hybridizing your fears and my soul.  We are not miscible, we are explosive opposites.  I repel you with the force of an 80 megaton nuclear fission reaction.  I repel you such that the blast would carry this planet, and this world into an adjoining solar system.  You cannot find me there.  I will not hide.  You cannot find me because you cannot see.  You have never seen me.  I stand in front of you, a glorious being, deserving and worthy of love, but yet you had nothing to give.  I’m sorry you were blind.  I’m sorry you have limitations.  But I am not sorry I am me.  I have always been beautiful – my heart is pure.

that's all


« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 09:07:45 AM by penelope »