Thanks, Jac. How wonderful that you are finding such happiness. I am pleased to have been a small conduit in the thread, but certainly I am nothing more than a fellow traveller, bungling my way along! So much happy energy flows in and out of everything, no? It's funny how we are each other's teachers, even when we have no idea.
My teenage daughter is a wonderful teacher for me right now. She is, I have come to understand, rather typical in her adolescent female very attached to her "story" and drama. I knew this move would be tough for her, but the immersion in her emotions was surprising to me. She would like for me to get immersed with her, and believe me, I did from time to time. After months of listening to her express her rather negative feelings about her current life circumstances, and allowing myself to take on her energy about it (by getting remorseful or sad myself) I was really just compounding the "problem" of her not moving through things. At first I started telling her to stop wanting what isn' wanting things to be as they were, was not going to happen and was a sure fire recipe for unhappiness. We moved, she is starting over socially, and as soon as she stopped miring in self pity, she would attract the happiness she wanted so badly....instead she was putting out so much negative energy, it was no wonder that's why she felt nothing but negative back.
You can imagine how well this went over with a 14 year old girl, whose capacity for self blame and criticism exceeds almost anyones!!
I've been listening to Ekhart Tolle's new book on CD on the way to work each day and something he said inspired me to instead suggest that my daughter just stop wanting to be happy about things. Just go ahead and be miserable and stop wanting it to be different. I had to allow her to be unhappy, too, which is hard for a parent. I noticed that at first, when I decided to not get emotional when she talked about her negative feelings, that she would get pretty pissed off, accusing me of not caring enough, or being "distant". In truth, I was distancing myself in a way, but not from my daughter, but from this sad tale she thought was "her".
Since there was nothing to argue about, really, (my telling her ideas on how to be happy.....!!!) well, I don't know, exactly when it happened, but she started moving forward into this life, instead of being in this "miserable limbo".
She tried out for a sports team, even though it scared her soooo much, and now is busy several times a week at practice, and soon will be at games. She started up with private music lessons, and that is yet another focus. She just started getting out of herself. She notices more often how people say Hi to her in the halls, and how the kids she likes, also seem to like her. It's ironic, though, as now I know why my mother had us in sports/activities as teenagers. It gets you OUT of yourself. Less time to focus on what could be.....and hours of practicing NOW. Being present. And then being too damn tired to wail about what isn't perfect.
Now if she could just find her step sister more tolerable......

Anyway. Don't know why that ramble started....just more musings about presence and detachment.
Thanks for the exchange.
I'd love to hear more about your "practice" as well.