Author Topic: Love and Truth  (Read 3462 times)


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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2007, 03:18:10 PM »

Hi Jac,

Well I only knew of Eros .... till someone preached in my church .... about 10 years ago now I think,
on the greek origin of Love, and the four greek words that make up love,
so I did some digging and also purchased a copy of the CS Lewis book.

It certainly helped me, with my question of "what the heck is love anyway?"

"Love and Truth"  .... certainly in an ideal world .... should go together


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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2007, 03:24:57 PM »
I don't know if everyone deserves love.  
When I thought about that word (deserve) this is the only thing that came to mind. The only way I could apply the word.  You know I was married to an N and my thoughts did not connect (deserve) toward him.  Only connected when I thought of a child.

If I had a child that was an N I would not stop loving them or love them any less.  
It would not be in my power.  I would love them as I always have from the moment of conception to my/their dying day.  This is my child, my flesh, my blood a part of me.  I might have to change my behavior with them but not my love for them.  Would they deserve love/ worthy of it? Yes of course,from me.  It would go without question. I brought them into this world. Just because they don't work right does not mean I should not love them.
So no matter what they turned out to be I feel that they should be deserving of love if from me alone.

That's about all I can comment on.  My feelings of other N's  are mixed and I'm not quite sure how I feel when (deserve)comes up
With my exN friend and exnH. I don't feel love or hate for them.  

Love Deb.


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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2007, 03:34:49 PM »


To deserve .... dictionary def  =  to be worthy of ...   

With regards to N's ... which I think we are all referring to .......

Personally ..... Compassion - Charitable love from a distance is all I can give.

(in the past I have used the word 'pity' but many don't like that word)

and so my personal thoughts are ... that is all they do deserve, after what they have done to me.

All in all, difficult subject.


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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2007, 05:18:54 AM »

Wow, this thread brought out a lot of different ideas.

For me, personally, I see my mother as being all too human... and a sad figure at that. I pity her and that pity almost borders on love... if that could make any sense to anyone. At the same time, when I see the picture of my life and the damage she has done to me to: keep herself from being bored/feeling better than others/use me as her presentation for attention... I find it hard to love her. I am sorry that she is not happy, but the destruction she continuously causes will not stop and I cannot give any more love to her. I know it must still be there as I can feel hate toward her at times, which seems to me to prove I am still fighting the love I thought I had. I am not sure this will make sense to anyone. Obviously, it is hard to sort out all of these feeling.

Thank you all for the opinions (I know they can be difficult to share) and for the positive response on my metaphor...

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2007, 07:28:56 AM »

Wow, this thread brought out a lot of different ideas.

For me, personally, I see my mother as being all too human... and a sad figure at that. I pity her and that pity almost borders on love... if that could make any sense to anyone. At the same time, when I see the picture of my life and the damage she has done to me to: keep herself from being bored/feeling better than others/use me as her presentation for attention... I find it hard to love her. I am sorry that she is not happy, but the destruction she continuously causes will not stop and I cannot give any more love to her. I know it must still be there as I can feel hate toward her at times, which seems to me to prove I am still fighting the love I thought I had. I am not sure this will make sense to anyone. Obviously, it is hard to sort out all of these feeling.

Thank you all for the opinions (I know they can be difficult to share) and for the positive response on my metaphor...

Love, Beth

Dear ((( Beth)))

Certainly does make sense to me, as my mother has used me that way too.  The feelings that you have now will change in time so that you find that feeling of hate creeping in, instead you feel genuine pity.  Well that's how I progressed, the feeling I had was of anger .... angry that she had ruined so many good precious years of my life.

But now ... the years ahead are mine, truly mine ...... with peace and hope in my heart ...... my hopes and dreams are written down for the next 5 years ...... and during these next 5 years .... I will write down my hopes and dreams for the following 5 years.

Along our journey we each have a rainbow waiting for us.

Leah xx

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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2007, 12:35:02 PM »
Beth - I don't know if this will help or not. It isn't original, I'm not sure who first wrote it, but in my experience it's true.

"The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference."

Detachment is often mistaken for indifference, but it isn't. When you're detached from a situation you may be grieving intensely about it, but you have realized that you cannot make a constructive difference and therefore there is quite literally nothing positive that you can do - except to detach.

It's easy to tell the difference, because with detachment, a person moves through the process of grieving, and usually remains willing and prepared to give positive assistance if that ever becomes a realistic possibility. Indifference checks out and never looks back.

Most of the people here who have found no alternative to cutoff, in various situations, are far from indifferent about that. But to preserve their own sanity, they've realized, they had to detach.

[Edit in: I'm trying to decide if I think that hatred is 'thwarted controlling' or 'thwarted love'. The older I get and the more I see, including my own history, I have to admit that the desire to control outcomes seems to be a lot of the power source behind hating.

We're really never taught, anywhere, that love does not control - in fact, much of what is marketed in the guise of love is candy-coated controlling and little else - so it doesn't make much sense to blame people for this. But if you look at the very heart and core of the Christian faith, it is love without control. Free will. God made us, loved us, and gave us freedom. Our misuse of that - is the next chapter in the story, not the beginning. It began in absolute love with no external controlling. Somehow, for all the Christianity in this country, that part of the lesson so often seems to be lost.

Oh, I've given you a layman's Lenten homily. Well... it's that time of year.]

« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 12:36:49 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: Love and Truth
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2007, 08:09:57 PM »
You know what, jac, I think you are 100% right. I would NEVER tell my mother how I felt about her or even hint at it. It seems disrespectful. And knowing that she can't change, there seems no point to it anyways. I will have to think more about this.

Thank you for your post. It is very deep and I need to think about it a bit more.

Love, Beth

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams