Three years ago I was still reeling from my exnh having suddenly walked out at the end of October. I had 2 children who I felt still needed to experience Christmas, despite my total lack of interest and extreme pain. I cried while putting up all the decorations and sobbed when I hung 3 stockings rather than 4. I spent hours upon hours knitting scarves to be given away as Christmas gifts to friends and family because I couldn't concentrate on reading or watching TV. I took my girlfriends to lunch who had supported me through my darkest days and gave them each one of the scarves I knitted.
I was taking AD's, and at that time, I was also on an anti-psychotic drug, so I could once again start eating. I had gotten down to 110 lbs. (I'm 5'6") and was so weak I could barely function. Even with the AD's, I still obsessed about all that had happened--finding out he was having an affair, that he was addicted to porn and masturbation, that he had been lying to me for most of our marriage about why he didn't want to have sex with me, and that he felt nothing over the end of our marriage. I was terrified of running into him with her and how I would deal with that. It was a whole year before I realized that his girlfriend was still married (still is today, after 3 1/2+ years of them having an affair) and I certainly did not have to worry about running into them together. He had totally lied about their relationship while he and I were in therapy, and what her married situation was at the time.
I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone and could not imagine ever feeling peace and happiness again. Three + years later, I do feel both peace (for the most part), and happiness. I have a wonderful b/f, who I love madly and who loves me to death. All the effort I made to keep life as normal as possible for my kids, has paid off with both of them doing very well and finding their way in life in a very positive way.
Believe me when I say that I feel your pain--more than you'll ever know. I do not envy where you are, nor would I ever wish to be in that place again. But I am a stronger person today because of what I went through and I appreciate my life in a way that I never could have before. I try hard not to sweat the small stuff anymore, because you never know when the really big stuff might just come along and knock you on your a$$.
I extend a hand to you while you work your way through the holidays. It is a very painful time.