Hi all,
Just want to give a quick update after my 2nd week at the new job...
I like it! I'm using my core skills, being creative, doing commercials, writing, editing, meeting customers, getting to know my boss and coworkers (all male, and all nice). The owner's wife invited me to take a day trip to a place I told her about.
It's just not making complete sense to be around kind, nice, gentle people!
But whether it makes sense or not, I turned down an opportunity a few days ago for an interview back at the university for a job that would pay 20K more than the one I'm doing now. On the surface, insane. But I never had a moment's doubt. I will not go back into that stifling bureaucracy, even for good pay.
I'm taking a risk with an entrepreneur, and it's fun. Work? Fun? I forgot it was possible. Last time I enjoyed a job was a dot-com. One of three I worked for during the first Internet boom. Those were such exciting days (until we were all laid off...)

I am very tired, very behind with home paperwork and my exercise program, and slept the day away today. So I need to work on my eating, exercise and sleep routines...very hard. At 56 it's a bit harder to go after things with the energy I used to have. But I still feel that much is possible. (One possibility is that the business will take off and we'll all do well!)
A grateful
Hops (this thread's vague on purpose...everybody deals with change being strange! Take it anywhere. ..xo, H)