My head is spinning I had a very weird encounter ......................
sib called me I mentioned our last phone conversation was hurtful she says "that never happened"
and I went on to explain stuff about our conversation she says "did not happen"...
I then said "aw I know you would not lie to me"
she said "I wouldn't lie to you about that"
Then she said quickly "oh you are so honest like mom"........

I am so confused being kind does not work........ its like I am suppose to say sorry for their hurtful actions just to make them feel better ......
why can't they understand ??????????????????
Gosh I try to be kind and be honest with them I try to work things out to an understanding but things just do not work unless I act like nothing happened....
I do not know how to act or what to say everything gets tangled up.......
SO strange just weird I do not know how to be around them They are clearly not liking my honesty....
I am not upset (bothered and confused) I try to care about their feelings and its just confusing........
Yesterday I saw my dad I gave him a heartfelt hug