I hate Christmas because
My dad used to get drunk every Christmas eve, come home and have a fight with mum
Mum had everything to do and got exhausted, and was ready for a fight
Things used to get broken
It was scarey and we didn't know what was happening
Ob and I hid upstairs. Later yb too.
Next day nobody said anything about it.
Mum used to hide the presents behind the sofa in the front room (which was never used), where we could find them too easily
Later, ex got drunk one Christmas eve (1997), and I found him sprawled on the carpet, surrounded by cans, when returning from a crib service with 4 year old d. Had to get him into bed before she saw him. Later he threatened to o/d.
Next day he acted as if nothing was wrong. D knew nothing, and my heart was dead, like a stone.
There are too many things we do at Christmas because we have always done them, and to keep other people happy, which result in nobody being happy
It is easy to resent having to buy presents and send cards, rather than taking pleasure in it
I love Christmas because
Now it is different. I have my Christmas, with my d.
I can set aside the commercial side, and remember the true value of the Christmas story.
I have learned to stop sending meaningless cards and presents
I can create some magic for d
There are no rows at Christmas in my house
There is no drunkenness in my house at Christmas (or any other time)
If anything gets broken, it is an accident and d and I do not play the blame game; nothing is more important than our relationship
It is no longer my concern to keep other people happy. My concern is to keep myself happy, and to create magical memories for d.
My family are those who love me, not those who are genetically related to me.