Author Topic: Christmas  (Read 4904 times)


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« on: December 17, 2006, 06:38:02 AM »
I hate Christmas because

My dad used to get drunk every Christmas eve, come home and have a fight with mum
Mum had everything to do and got exhausted, and was ready for a fight
Things used to get broken
It was scarey and we didn't know what was happening
Ob and I hid upstairs.  Later yb too.
Next day nobody said anything about it.
Mum used to hide the presents behind the sofa in the front room (which was never used), where we could find them too easily
Later, ex got drunk one Christmas eve (1997), and I found him sprawled on the carpet, surrounded by cans, when returning from a crib service with 4 year old d.  Had to get him into bed before she saw him.  Later he threatened to o/d.
Next day he acted as if nothing was wrong.  D knew nothing, and my heart was dead, like a stone.
There are too many things we do at Christmas because we have always done them, and to keep other people happy, which result in nobody being happy
It is easy to resent having to buy presents and send cards, rather than taking pleasure in it

I love Christmas because

Now it is different.  I have my Christmas, with my d.
I can set aside the commercial side, and remember the true value of the Christmas story.
I have learned to stop sending meaningless cards and presents
I can create some magic for d
There are no rows at Christmas in my house
There is no drunkenness in my house at Christmas (or any other time)
If anything gets broken, it is an accident and d and I do not play the blame game; nothing is more important than our relationship
It is no longer my concern to keep other people happy.  My concern is to keep myself happy, and to create magical memories for d.
My family are those who love me, not those who are genetically related to me.


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 09:17:06 AM »
October, I am so glad that you have been able to find your real Christmas.  You have made it special and made it what it should be.  I want to find a way to do that also.  It will take me some more time.  If you could do it, then I believe I can also someday.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 03:28:29 PM »
It reduced a lot of stress for me when I decided, gifts for first-degree blood relatives only.

And this year I bought everyone socks. Cool socks, but socks nonetheless.

One stressful year it was gift cards.

I like deciding what will be THE present this year...simplifies things!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

la paloma

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Re: Christmas
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 11:24:42 PM »
i dont have any hapy thoughts for christmas, wish i did.. i dont even bother decorating.. its not that im an Ebenezia Scroogess, its just theres too much pain for me... i try to avoid the holidays, becasue im always alone, .. either alone, and hating it, or with a couple people i hate being with even mor ethan being alone.. so... i dont like chritsmas... im not into it.. cant say why.. but it probably has its roots in living in an N home...anyhow.. hope all yur christmases are happy


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 11:36:07 PM »
It is no longer my concern to keep other people happy.  My concern is to keep myself happy, and to create magical memories for d.
My family are those who love me, not those who are genetically related to me.


You have changed your future to beauty and love. What a victory for you and your loved daughter..... a pricless gift.

season...............Merry Christmas with love
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 01:49:28 AM »
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with love to you

season...............Merry Christmas with love



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 02:26:51 PM »
Hey La Paloma,

I understand exactly how you feel about Christmas and I know that it is a lonely time for many of us but i think it is because we have lost site of the real meaning of Christmas.
just this morning i was thinking about Christmas and thinking that I wish it was over, i got so depressed that it sent me to my knees in prayer, i don't know if you are a Christian but i would like to share with you what God brought to my mind while i was talking with him this morning. my thoughts went to Mary, the mother of Jesus.  one of my favorite passages from the Christmas story is Luke 1:45 blessed is she who believed"   sometimes in a joking manner my friends will  tease me because when they ask me how i am doing i often reply i am blessed.

Blessed is she who believes and we are. especially during the Christmas season as we celebrate the miracle birth of our savior. not only do we celebrate his birth in a borrowed stable but even more important we can celebrate his being born into our hearts , yours and mine. Mary celebrated a miracle in her life. can you imagine what it must have been like for her? seeing an angel in person is one thing but having him tell you that you are going to have a baby when you have never been with a man.  the angel told Mary that she would be pregnant with a miracle. she would give birth to the son of god.

I love Mary's example here. she did not understand it but she accepted it. though her future was unsure she chose to believe. the angel reminded her that with god nothing is impossible. she gave birth to a son and they called him Emmanuel which means god with us'

maybe all of us are in need of a Christmas miracle. to be pregnant with the hope of the impossible. to have relationships restored. dreams renewed. hurts healed. to see "God with us" in a very real way to sense his presence and his peace. remember Jesus is the reason for the season and He is with us.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2006, 08:07:38 AM »
Sorry I haven't been around.  Difficult times.  Many thanks for the kind replies, and happy Christmas to everyone here. 

Wishing you all peace and joy



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2006, 08:19:29 AM »

I can relate to your hating of Christmas.  Also I was interested to see you use the phrase the "front room".  I am also from Europe.

I would like it all to go away and then I thought about it.  It is a day like any other.  I can choose to make it good or I can choose to be sad and remember the bad times...... there were many.  Well I will be in this Christmas this Christmas. I will not bring the past to these days.  I will be joyful.  I will buy my tree today and make some simple decorations.  I do not intend buying presents except for my son and three friends.  I do not want any presents, if I get something ok if not ok.  I think this Christmas I am giving me the best present - detachment, awareness and being present.



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2006, 09:05:39 AM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 02:35:57 PM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

daylily guest

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Re: Christmas
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2006, 09:49:39 AM »
I wish everyone the best of the season.

I think the message of Christmas is hope.  I'm not sure how dedicated a Christian I am--I'm somewhere in the medium-lapsed Catholic range--but I do take some inspiration from the story.  Love endures, and even God believes in second chances.

I love the very old Christmas carol which says:

Adam lay ybounden,
Bounden in a bond,
Four thousand winter
thought he not too long.
All for an apple,
an apple that he tooke,
as clerkes finden
written in theyre booke.
Ne had the apple take been,
the apple take been,
ne had never Our Lady
a-been Heavene Queene.

Blessed be the time
that apple take was,
Therefore we moun singen
Deo Gratias!

Maybe I'm just a sucker for a happy ending, but I like the idea that even the Fall of Man has its upside.  Next to that, the whole Christmas-tat thing--Rudolph and Frosty and those incredibly weird animated reindeer who bob for grass, eternally and in very slow motion--doesn't matter too much.

Take your joy where you can find it.



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2006, 10:49:17 AM »
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2006, 11:07:30 AM »
I sang Messiah on Sunday but it was the last concert of my extremely busy winter season so I think I may have been singing Hallelujah for other reasons too....

Christmas is hard.

I got to my ex's to find four days running he'd bought a tree and then left it stood there son tried to decorate it a bit then gave up disheartened and wouldn't do it with me; I finished it and had a row with ex about why get one if it's just to be a symbol of acting out?

In fact we've had several arguments all week, and the mood is lifting a bit, thank G_d.

I don't see what Christmas has to do with Jesus, frankly; it's more an excuse for a spending frenzy or booze-up it seems. We do keep it simple and I do love the old music and the tasteful lights and the channukah symbols this time of year, but it does nothing for my religious beliefs to see the little white made-in-china plastic baby Jesus outside my church!

It brings back a lot of unhappy memories of tension and disappointment too.

those incredibly weird animated reindeer who bob for grass, eternally and in very slow motion--

Hi Daylilly, how are things with you?
I agree, what the heck are those decorations all about?!

Now the icicle shaped hanging down lights draped from every straight line of the house, and the holly wreaths and candles, they are pretty, but a spasmodic movement from a plastic reindeer....nope.

I was interested to see you use the phrase the "front room". 

when I grew up in England the houses were mostly tiny, but even with lack of space there was often a 'front room' just for occasional use with the best furniture and ornaments and only used for entertaining. It was the room we kids were most uncomfortable in...

I like deciding what will be THE present this year...simplifies things!

great idea! We have received loads of parcels this year, but all from people who won't mind if we reciprocate immediately or not, and frankly sometimes I think a surprise in the middle of February is more fun than sitting by the tree opening presents tainted with the aura of stress!

My family are those who love me, not those who are genetically related to me.

G_d bless us, every one!


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2006, 01:30:52 PM »
Write , daylilly and All

 It's more than your honesty it is behind your honesty there is your illuminating  light it is just so warm and wonderful  :D
 I love a sweet ending as well ......................Life is so precious and only we can make it good
 even with all those weird decorations .............

so much love to you

I sang Messiah on Sunday but it was the last concert of my extremely busy winter season so I think I may have been singing Hallelujah for other reasons too....

Christmas is hard.
those incredibly weird animated reindeer who bob for grass, eternally and in very slow motion--

Hi Daylilly, how are things with you?
I agree, what the heck are those decorations all about?!

G_d bless us, every one!


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2006, 04:48:00 PM »
My holiday assets:
I might make $10 or $20 next week doing a little freelance work for one client, and another (more tenuous) might pay me $25 at some unspecified future time.

My holiday debits:
I have $46.18 in my bank account till January 1, and $5.31 in my purse. I have no other financial assets of any kind. I have no job and no car. I owe $30 on this month's rent, my electric bill is over $200 (I pay for electric heat), my phone bill is $70. I'm seeing the dentist tomorrow, which will cost a lot. Going to the laundromat costs too much, my toothpaste is almost gone, and my shampoo is almost gone as well. Mainly I have to make sure I can eat. There is a friendly soup kitchen in town, but usually the food throws off my digestion, which is touchy at the best of times, so I don't go.

Since it's so hard for me just staying physically alive, if I acknowledge the holidays at all, it will have to be with a piece of my artwork sent through e-mail. This is very hard for me to accept, because I usually try to buy a present or two for my mom, even if small.

For me the holidays are a time when stress, fear, guilt, shame and depression increase greatly. I look forward to their passing as soon as possible.