My fears of "not enough" were revealed again in a dream. This has become my constant theme. I am working on changing this message during the day but I am thankful that my dreams are telling me where I need to work.
Last night the dream began by my needing to ready 4 or 5 houses for the market. I was behind on cleaning up and getting the houses listed. The person who was overseeing my work was not visible but was a large presense looming over me, ticking off the time that was running out.
This transitioned into travelling down the road and ending up at a luxury hotel filled with fear about how I was going to get back and get my work done. I couldnt tell anyone my predicament (I would be "caught") and had to pretend that I belonged where I was. All along I am beginning to panic. I see a well dressed business man on the sidewalk. He drops his room key and I pick it up and put it in my pocket hoping to get to his room while he is in meetings. I get inside and pretend to know where I am going but end up in a small auditorium where a long lost friend is performing. After the performance everyone piles out into the halls where there is a sumptuous buffet. My need for food is miraculously provided. I venture down the hall to my brother's room and two unknown men come sit near me. They want to wait with me and go it as well. When my brother finally comes to the door these strangers come in. I am trying to figure out how to get some help to get back to that little town where my car and my work is. My brother has a huge financial deal to work on and can't be bothered to help nor is he going to lend me money I have to trick him or come by it fortuitously as I came by the food.
The fear of not having enough, not being enough is the fear I have carried my whole life. It is about "resources" and it has a life long history from my family. Christmas really brings it out because I don't have enough money to buy the gifts or do the preparations that I would like but yet I am surrounded by family and extended family that just oozes money. It is such an elephant in the living room. No one talks about it and I am just a problem no one want to deal with.
The solution is to trust God and keep my heart and thoughts pointed in the right direction. What I need will be provided just as the food was provided in the dream. One of the common dream themes with my FOO is that I don't have a voice. In this dream, I couldn't ask for what I needed because I feared the response. I had to provide for myself but i didn't have the necessary resources.
This is sort of the last frontier for me in my healing, resolving this gripping fear of not having enough, not being enough, of being alone and left out and expected to perform without the necessary tools. - thanks for listening - Gaining Strength