Here is an interesting question to consider for any who want to share:
Do Narcissistic people like their picture taken?
Jodi didn't like herself nor her home to be photographed. She didn't want anyone to truly see her. In fact so much so, that, although her husband bought me rolls of film and let me use his camera to take pictures...when he suggested that I leave the roll of film that was not finished being used when it was time for me to leave, and told me he'd develop it and send it to me...well, that never happened.
i was told by Jodi that someone suggested that she not send my pictures of her family to me, cause I was addicted to and stalking her. Then ,she told me she'd send any pictures that were not of her family back to scenery, etc. In the end and to this day, I was told the film was never developed and gotten rid of. Now, the question here would be BECAUSE IT WAS THEIR FILM, EVEN THOUGH THEY TOLD ME I COULD TAKE ALL THE PICTURES I WANTED, DID THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO NOT SEND THE PICTURES? FURTHER, WHAT DID THEY HAVE TO HIDE?
I will tell you what. I took a picture of Jodi while she was being mean to me, not to later use it legally or whatever, but to keep me focused on REALITY of who she was if she were to ditch me as I suspected was about to happen. She's not dumb and she knew that and couldnt' bare to think of anyone believing she was less than the image she wanted people to see her as, so, the logical solution, since I already have pictures of her with a mean look on her face, was to destroy any further pictures, so it will always be my word against hers.
Go figure