Author Topic: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?  (Read 3630 times)


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Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« on: December 28, 2006, 08:34:41 PM »
Keep in mind - I'm new to this board, and only beginning to understand what a destructive narcissist really is. Here's an observation about my Nmother, and wondered if others have noticed, or if it's just my mother:

She chooses trends and OWNS them. Professes to be on the cutting edge. Was on the cutting edge years before any of us realized it was cutting edge. One of her current "got there before the rest of the world" platforms is ORGANIC FOOD. Claims she's been doing that for years (yes, she gardens & grows most of the veggies, I thought it was a hobby) and now says that she has known all along that organic food, raised without chemicals and pesticides and natural foods without preservatives is the only way to eat. (Huh - I wonder what that frozen pizza was all about when she was getting ready to host her bible study group?)  Anyway - has recently proclaimed that she has always followed a healthy diet and will OUTLIVE ALL OF US because she has known for years that the food in the grocery stores was poisonous. 

A few years ago she rearranged the living room, after it had been in essentially the same configuration for 30 YEARS.  Recently proclaimed, after reading a magazine in the doctor's waiting room with a feng shui article that she had done exactly that when she rearranged the living room WAY BEFORE ANYBODY ever wrote a magazine article about it.

She has skinny legs - so she always wears skinny pants to show them off. Picked up a Vogue magazine at my brother & sister inlaw's house on Christmas Day, glanced through and said "Well I see they're copying my narrow-legged pants - these are so flattering on those of us with SLENDER legs." 

I could go on and on, back to about 1970, when she brought home a microwave oven (it was monstrous) and declared she was probably the first person in our small town to own one.

Is this an N-thing, or is it some other insane aspect of her personality?



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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 08:45:35 PM »
Is this an N-thing, or is it some other insane aspect of her personality?

N thing. The driving root force in Ns is always insecurity. So she's makes herself sound more prescient and smarter and more of a trend setter than anyone could possibly be and on, on, on all because inside she's just a scared little rabbit.



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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 08:47:12 PM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 02:52:41 PM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 08:52:59 PM »
I think it's an N thing. My mother gets stuck in trends though... doesn't realize they have passed. She had a pair of designer jeans in the early 80s that she was told she looked sexy in. So she equated that with being stylish and hot and now buys designer jeans still...
Basically she does not keep up with any modern sort of trend. She keeps things from past years that she felt special in... and which will never be stylish again. She always tells us how she was the thinnest, or the most beautiful in the room, etc...
Interesting topic... hard to answer... seems there are so many factors that go into the way Ns think about "things."
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2006, 09:12:43 PM »
I think that there all degree's of N'ism behavior and to answer your question Control ,fear violence would qualify more as destructive N behavior.

I mean has any of her behavior effected you so much you wanted to
do self destructive behaviors to yourself this to me would show the degree of the N'ism and answer the question of being seriously a destructive N.

So I believe there are degree's of N'ism .

She seems Nish but destructive I do not know......

From wanting to be seen as a trend setter I do not know if this is as destructive as n behavior can get .If this is the only kind of stuff she does......

Sounds annoying


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2006, 10:37:55 PM »
My Nmother is destructive to those around her - she is now estranged from most of her family (siblings, nieces, nephews, her living aunts & uncles). Typically has only one friend at a time. She used to have groups - bible study folks, women's groups, but that was many years ago when her house was new and recently decorated and she wanted people to come and see it. The destructiveness that I have experienced has more to do with her inhuman steely disregard for people's feelings or emotions. If she could make you cry, it meant you were weak and she was strong. If she could make you vomit, even better. From the time I was 9 she told me I only lived in her house becasuse she let me - so I was terrified that someday she would stop letting me and I would be a homeless child.  I think I am describing things that aren't unfamiliar to any of you.

What I have wondered about is these behaviors - almost sidelines of hers - if they are common among Ns, or if they are, as moonlight says, just annoying. Not just portraying herself as a trendsetter, but also as a Bible scholar, an expert financial wizard, an example of a person with only the highest moral standards...  and so on.  She is a bigot, very prejudiced, embarrasingly so. She is of Native American heritage, and says that my father and brother and I, who are all fair-skinned, are less "pure" than her because my father's family is so "melting pot that they are nothing." I wonder if these "annoying" behaviors are common in addition to the destructive behaviors toward those who are closest to her.


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2006, 12:49:36 AM »
Wowee!  It sounds like your nmother and the former person in my life would get along well...everyone in her family looks to her to find out what the next fashion trend will be.  In fairness to her though, she sure did seem to have a knack at predicting the next year's fashion trend and would be wearing it before it became the "in" thing.  This was one aspect of Jodi that I did find really helpful in a way, since I had no sense of fashion whatsoever.  I guess I didn't think of it as an N thing, but maybe it can be?


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2006, 12:59:28 AM »
Dear Jay,

The destructiveness that I have experienced has more to do with her inhuman steely disregard for people's feelings or emotions. If she could make you cry, it meant you were weak and she was strong. If she could make you vomit, even better. From the time I was 9 she told me I only lived in her house because she let me - so I was terrified that someday she would stop letting me and I would be a homeless child.  I think I am describing things that aren't unfamiliar to any of
I do understand this .So very much more than annoying..............terrifling :(

« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 02:25:44 AM by moonlight »


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2006, 09:27:39 AM »
Interesting post, Jayelle!

What I think... if it weren't for narcissists, there would BE no 'trends'.

Think about it... what are 'trends' and what drives them?

Oh, everybody has to do [think, wear, be] THIS to be 'cool'.

If 'everybody' already believed that they were just fine, thanks, exactly the way they are, and understood that 'coolness' isn't something you can buy or put on like a T-shirt, anyway, they [we? us? me?] wouldn't go running after every fad that gets pushed under their [our? my?] nose in the first place.

Instead, the reaction would be - 'Oh, that's interesting. But what's all the fuss about? It's just a [car, tv show, handbag, new way of saying something we've all known for ages]. It's not IMPORTANT'.

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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2006, 12:02:28 PM »
What I have wondered about is these behaviors - almost sidelines of hers - if they are common among Ns, or if they are, as moonlight says, just annoying. Not just portraying herself as a trendsetter, but also as a Bible scholar, an expert financial wizard, an example of a person with only the highest moral standards...  and so on.  She is a bigot, very prejudiced, embarrasingly so

I'd say they are ubiquitous among Ns and stem from their overwhelming internal feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. I believe in their hearts they think others are all happier and more secure and less fearful and socially normal and that they are none of those things. What seems to set them apart from other insecure people who cope in other ways is the overwhelming need to project a facade that demonstrates to the world that not only do they have all those attributes they believe others have but they've got more of them than anyone they might meet. Their great fear seems to be being found out as what they internally believe themselves to be, so they have to control every situation they are in and every person they meet in order to prevent that from happening. Hence they act as though they know more than even acknowledged experts in nearly any field you can think of, even though their knowledge is usually superficial, being just enough to make them sound expert to those around them. Bigotry would fit this pattern as well. They devalue others in order to elevate themselves.
And these behaviors are more than just annoying. They give out bad legal, financial, even medical advice to sound important or to control others and people follow it, often over a cliff. Then the narcissist blames the person who has just gone over the cliff on their behalf, dusts off his cuffs and moves on, shaking his head in disbelief at their stupididty.

After reading Stormy's link to psychopathy on a different thread, it just confirms to me that the only thing seperating a bona fide case of NPD from a full-on psychopath is that NPDers are full of fear and insecurity which slightly restrains them, unlike psychos who apparently lack even that tiny bit of restraint. In other words the only difference between NPD and a psychopath is fear of being caught. I don't know about others but I find that pretty creepy.



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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2006, 12:57:41 PM »

It is more than annoying it is control and n's needing an audience groupies this is what creates cults.....

I have no secrets nothing to hide there is empowerment there

« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 02:27:18 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2006, 06:49:41 PM »
I hate it that you were told the same thing - that you only lived with your parents because they let you. I'm glad you figured out their bluff and knew they couldn't actually do it. IT BREAKS MY HEART to know that other children had to hear this. IT ALSO GIVES ME COMFORT that I wasn't the only one. I AM SO GLAD you said this in your reply. This has been one of my deepest secrets - that I believed for years that I was one twisted event away from being a homeless child. I have carried that for a long time, and never even told my therapist, it seemed so shameful. I feel like a demon that has followed me around for more than 40 years just got whipped and had to leave me. I think it was a hierarchy for me - the first needs that must be met for self-actualization are food & shelter. Since I was frequently threatened that even food & shelter were at risk, I was even easier for her to control. I love this place, and I love you for your courageous postings. I already feel less isolated.


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2006, 09:18:46 PM »




"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2007, 08:32:49 AM »
Hi Jayelle,
I was also told that we were the reason they didn't have money for all the things that they wanted to buy and the reason they couldn't live in the house they wanted or in the place they wanted. And sending me to college made them poor for years.etc. I now know that they just buy, buy, buy and it doesn't matter what it is just so they can have stuff. It's no different now that they have no kids in the house. But I felt terribly guilty about that forever. There is always a reason why their life is not the way they want it... and it never has to do with their bad planning.
To hear my mother talk, she is as smart as Einstein, completely versed in all types of literature, etc. But if you ever ask a specific question, she gets very flustered. She also has "rules" about what is nice and not nice, proper or not proper, cool or uncool and it's enyone's guess where they come from (and some of them are plain wacko).
Lots of love,
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Do Narcissists Embrace Trends?
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2007, 11:51:11 AM »
JL, Bean, Beth...what you deserved to hear:

"We are so happy you were born.
New light came into my life the day you came into the world.
You are the biggest reason I know there's love in the world.
We are so happy, so glad, to be your parent.
I am the luckiest, proudest mom/dad in the world.
You are the most wonderful, precious kid, just as you are.
I will always be on your side in life, even if we disagree.
Mother/Father is the best thing I've ever been.
I have learned so much from you!"

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."