Mine chased me round her house with a blusher brush just a few weeks ago!!!!! She was insisting that blusher would change my life... Would I be the perfect daughter in blusher and a wonderbra do you think??
Spyralle x
What a thread! I can't believe how alike they are, still amazes me!
A few funnys I can think of... Once I mentioned to my N sister excuse how I look, (ya know no makeup, hair done etc.) she said you always look like that! Oh thanks for reminding me that my beauty routine has fallen to the way side after I had three young children to care for....I was comfortable

I'm fair skinned my other five siblings had an olive compextion and got a great tan just walking out the door. They use to tell me it was o.k. that I didn't get color, actually felt bad for me? I thought I was fine just they way I was, it didn't make me feel good to stick out but I new deep inside what type of people talk to others in such a way? Didn't know at the time, N's!!!
About pregnancy stories. One sister N couldn't wait to come to me, corner me (we actually worked together in a family business years ago..YIKES) to share the news she heard...."I just thought you should know because I can't sleep but mothers who breastfeed have a higher rate of KILLING their babies."
Of course I was the first in the family to decide to breastfeed, I did it anyway with NO SUPPORT.
She also told me, which I have heard before that I shouldn't buy anything for the baby to be it will cause a miscarriage. I lost two at the time.
When I had my newborn she wanted me to have coffee with her so she snarled at me to put they baby in her bed with a rattle, she couldn't hold a rattle? As she went on to say the baby doesn't want to just look at YOU she wants to see the WORLD put her down............she was only weeks old...how pathetic...she was jealous.
Funny with her grandchildren all these rules went out the window.
Not so Funny............She along with my other N pressured me into an abortion. My brother noticed I had a small tummy and told on me. I remember my mother shaking because she felt my older sisters were going to kill her if she didn't take care of this immediately.
I was silenced from shame, I was told that day I was going only to be checked. Not true, as my Dad and Sister N sat in the waiting room I was council ed for a few minutes, asked is this what I want? I felt like I had no voice, confused, scared to death that Sister N was outside WAITING. I said, "YES". And my baby was taken from me right there with in a half hour.
On the ride home N sister is so happy and wants to stop at her favorite sandwich shop, they did and ate, while I sat alone quietly in the back seat. It was never, ever brought up again.
I carry the wait of my sin, I have confessed but still worry I will not be welcomed in heaven on my low days. Yet, deep down I believe the God I believe in will be merciful. It's such an individual decision, a decision I was never given to make. I was shy of 18.
On a much happier note........Congratulations spyrelle and your sweet daughter, may joy of new life engulf you with love and excitement. Bless you for being such a selfless, giving, supporting mother. seasons