For me drinking was what filled the hole for so long. I hated it and craved it at the same time. I knew I would feel like shit if I had it, but at the same time, I welcomed feeling like that. Sick and weird I know... but I think you understand what I mean. The time after, when I just couldn't go on the way I was living, I kind of collapsed. I just plain withdrew. From everything. You can't cure that. You can only wait it out. Nothing will take that away right now. However, soon you will notice that the days are a bit better than before. And after that, you will notice you are having many more decent days. And now, I can attest, I have tons more good days than I have bad days. Getting comfort from pain is not unusual for us...and in order to banish that from our lives, we truly need to change and to get down to the roots of why we wanted that. You are already starting to work through that.
Lots of love and the knowledge that in a bit of time, and without noticing, you WILL be feeling better. The emptiness fills itself with things you can't even hope for now.
Love you,