Hi all thanks for your replies....it has taken me until 1pm to get out of bed today, i just cant be bothered to get on with anything...i don't start back to work until next week.
Yes i have got myself a lawyer but I have been told that all the time his name is on the house deeds I am not allowed to change the locks and he has a right to come into the house if he so wishes although my Lawyer did suggest in a letter that he takes them out for dinner once a week from 6pm-9.30pm......this rarely happens he always says he has no money, he turns up at 7-7.30 and leaves somewhere before 10pm...if I dare say anything he just starts being abusive and telling me that I am mad and need to see a doctor!!!
He has said that he would not come into the house unless we were here but he will not give me back his key either......i have told him that i am not comfortable with this but i always get the same reply.. yes you guessed it...... This is my!!!!!!!! Then he laughed and said did I think he was going to come in at night and rape me?
I have filed for divorce but he has not signed the papers yet. He first of all thought i had got a friend to send some papers....how thick!!! they had the court stamp on them........then he asked why I had sent them, why did I not wait a while for him to see what happens!!! I had asked and asked if he was coming home but he always replied that he would not give this woman up as she was his FRIEND...the only one he has!!! so i stopped asking and took some action, there is only so many times you can ask the same question.
Axa- you asked what I love about him.....He is the father of my children and really the only man i have ever been with. I got used to not having hugs and kisses and guessed that this was a normal relationship between husband and wife. If i used to go and give him a cuddle he would either say what do you want or stand there tapping his feet until I stopped....so I did.
I have been asked this question so many times and i guess that its all i have known and all that I am entitled to......
We have had some good times but there has also been some bad times....like when HE went through post natal depression both times after having each of our children....with our son the first born he went through it we he was about a month old....with my daughter she was 2 days old...he would not have anything to do with them, did not help with anything...he took the time off work when i had my daughter to look after our 3 year old and didn't do a thing...
He never got on with my parents and this made life rather difficult at times...if there was a family get together he would sulk in a corner somewhere and want to go home as soon as we got there.
sorry i have started to ramble.
This is such a wonderful place to be able to spill my guts about everything Thank you
sad and lonely
Sandra x