When my ex and I were in therapy together for the 6 weeks before he left, I figured out that our whole relationship suffered from an imbalance of power. He was mostly a weak little boy who was totally intimidated by his father and felt unsupported by his mother. I spent much of the marriage caring for him and trying to make him stronger. If I became angry with him about anything, he would accuse me of not being a good supportive wife, who afterall, was leading a comfortable life, able be be a SAHM and he went to work every day. I would feel guilty, the discussion would end, nothing would be resolved and so it went for 20+ years.
On the one hand, he viewed me as a mother figure--which partially explains his lack of interest in having sex with me, but he also used the avoidance of intimacy as his form of power over me. He knew it was the one thing I wanted most (not just the sex, but the closeness and emotional intimacy), and the one thing he could withhold. The worst thing was, that he was totally dishonest about his lack of interest in sex. He would blame it on being too tired, meds he was taking, work stress, low testosterone levels--whatever. And I believed him. To find out that he was viewing porn and gratifying himself for all those years, totally blew me away. I felt so stupid for not having seen that, even though there were signs right in front of me.
When he announced that the marriage was no longer working for him and that he had found a new love, I gave up all my power to him, in the hopes of convincing him to stay in the marriage. I became a pathetic pile of goo, begging him to stay and work things out. It was then that I began to see the real n personality come out. Once he realized how much power he had over me, he took every advantage he could. He humiliated me on so many levels, until I finally broke the spell and started taking my power back. There were a few episodes after that where I weakened and tried to once again save the marriage, but eventually I gave up and began to see the man he really was.
It is such a long, difficult process to come to terms with who these men really are, and why they were able to draw us in and keep control for so long. Through a lot of therapy, I finally got it, and hopefully will never make that mistake again.